[1.04.173] Changes for future versions.

I just installed Speccy 1.04.173, and I have a few suggestions about some things that I didn't like. These should give a better experience and control to the user.

-"Choose Users" during the installer. This should be always visible, after you agree to the license.

-"Choose Installation Location" should also be always visible, after you pass the "Choose Users" options.

-An option to enable / disable version checking should be added in the "Install Options", where you choose which shortcuts to be added.

-An option to reset the Publish Snapshot warning, in case the user previously clicked not be showed the warning again.

-I see that version checking has been removed from this release. Will it be added in a future release (I personally never use auto-update, but some users may find that useful).

Also, when will we be able to translate the program? :)