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Kamo blocking a LOT of sites


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I have been using Kamo for a while now, and I've loved it. It stays out of the way and seems to just do its job.

I don't know what happened or changed or updated (?), but now it's blocking me from accessing about 50% of the sites I regularly use, and most of the ones I look up. These aren't anything bad or lewd or otherwise "dangerous" sites. I have added about a dozen websites to my "safe sites" group to be able to access them at all, and still some of them still don't work 100% right. I have to force stop Kamo to get them to actually get work done...

I don't understand how from one day to the next, with changing *nothing* on my PC or in Kamo, so much is now different. I hate it and I'm not happy.

(I use Chrome for my default browser, and it always says "Chrome canceled the connection" or something similar. Same thing happens when I try to use other browsers, too, so it's not limited to Chrome.)


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Je confirme cette affirmation ... Je suppose qu'il y a eu une mise à jour et après avoir cherché plusieurs jours l'origine des blocages de plusieurs sites web avec tous les navigateurs que j'utilise (I.E. - Chrome et Mozilla) et de téléchargements de pièces jointes, j'ai fini par réinstaller totalement mon PC pour enfin trouver l'origine de mes problèmes ... KAMO


Moderator translation

I confirm this statement ... I suppose there was an update and after searching for several days for the origin of the blocking of several websites with all the browsers I use (I.E. - Chrome and Mozilla) and downloads of attachments, I ended up completely reinstalling my PC to finally find the origin of my problems ... KAMO

Edited by Nergal
Added english translation
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Same as for hellcatz - worked nicely but not anymore. Browsing is a pain in the ass now. Even if i write in the URL of a well known site like IMDB and check it in Kamo as a site allowed - it appears broken and segmented. I had to shut it down. Then my browsers work all right. Let me know when KAMO works again as it did before . 

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