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v5.77.8521 german (translation) improvements


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hi fans,

little info:

1.) I try to translate the original english text into german as exactly as possible, without adding or removing words.
2.) If the text is too long and thus confuses the visual style and the graphic specifications and buttons of ccleaner, i try a shorter translation that keeps the sense.
3.) I can currently not upload any pictures about Ccleaner for illustration, because then i would have to delete the older pictures and the corresponding older forum posts are missing the pictures...

4.) the pics are from older ccleaner versions like 5.65 but the translation-stuff is the same in ccleaner version 5.77.


first -> Ccleaner -> Button "Custom Clean"

english: Custom Clean

german old: Erweiterte Bereinigung <--- its wrong! ---> in fact its "benutzerdefinierte Bereinigung" but its perhaps to long for the Button

german new: Eigene Bereinigung or ausgesuchte Bereinigung or ausgewählte Bereinigung or gewählte Bereinigung or selbstgewählte Bereinigung or similar...






main-menu "custom clean"

german old: Erweiterte Bereinigung <--- why? custom (english) is not erweitert (german)


custom clean = Benutzerdefinierte Bereinigung

(perhaps its to long for the "custom clean" button)

alternativly perhaps "Eigene Bereinigung" or "Selbstgewählte Bereinigung" <------ both are shorter as "benutzerdefinierte Bereinigung" 🙂

ccleaner custom clean neu.JPG

ccleaner custom clean neu extra.JPG



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ccleaner -> options -> advanced (jump list)


german old: Windows Jump List Aufgaben aktivieren <--- forgot the translation 🙂


german new: Windows Sprunglisten-Aufgaben aktivieren  -> or better -> Aktiviere Windows Sprunglisten-Aufgaben


+ in ccleaner version 5,77 is the blue button below to small for the german translation



ccleaner advanced german jump list.JPG

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ccleaner -> options -> advanced (skip user account...)


english: skip user account control warning

german: Benutzerkontensteuerung Warnung ignorieren


"skip" is "überspringen" not "ignorieren"

"ignorieren" is "ignore" not "skip"


german new: Überspringe Warnung der Benutzerkontensteuerung -> or -> Überspringe Benutzerkontensteuerungs-Warnung -> or -> Benutzerkontensteuerungs-Warnung überspringen


ccleaner advanced benutzerkontensteuerung.JPG


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ccleaner -> options -> advanced...


in german a space between two words is missing

old and wrong: NachBereinigung herunterfahren -> correct: Nach Bereinigung herunterfahren

ccleaner deutsche verbesserung.JPG


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General rule: the translation of "Custom Clean" chosen by the German translator must be the same in the entire Ccleaner window!!! based on the original english ccleaner text --->>> as to see in my first post!


ccleaner -> options -> advanced (close and shutdown)



1.) close program after a custom clean

2.) shutdown after a custom clean


german old:

1.) Programm nach benutzerdefinierter Bereinigung schließen

2.) Nach Bereinigung herunterfahren


perhaps one style instead two differents?


german new:

1.) Nach benutzerdefinierter Bereinigung Programm schließen <--- (look at my 1. post for the other words for "custom clean")

2.) Nach benutzerdefinierter Bereinigung herunterfahren



ccleaner advanced englisch___.jpg

ccleaner advanced german___.jpg

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ccleaner -> options -> advanced (only delete files...)



1.) only delete files in windows temp folder older than 24 hours

2.) only delete files in recylce bin older than 24 hours


german old:

1.) Dateien aus dem Windows Temp Ordner nur löschen, wenn sie älter als 24 Stunden sind

2.) Dateien aus dem Papierkorb nur löschen, wenn sie älter als 24 Stunden sind


german new:

1.) Nur Dateien löschen im Windows-Temp Ordner, wenn älter als 24 Stunden

2.) Nur Dateien löschen im Papierkorb, wenn älter als 24 Stunden

as you can see, a little bit shorter as before 🙂

ccleaner advanced english nur löschen.jpg

ccleaner advanced german nur löschen.jpg


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ccleaner -> options -> settings (secure deletion)



wipe cluster tips



Cluster Tips löschen


tips = Hinweis, Verweis (auf etwas)? or im going wrong?  <--- in this case perhaps Verweis instead Hinweis

i have read about this stuff and it seems to be a kind of "file-remains/debris"


german new:

Cluster-Verweise löschen -> or -> Lösche Cluster-Verweise -> or -> Lösche Cluster-Reste -> or -> Lösche Cluster-Rückstände





ps: another little correction in german 🙂

as you can see there is missing a "connecting-line" between the two words.




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ccleaner -> custom clean -> tab "windows"


section "windows explorer"


german old: Kürzlich aufgerufene Dokumente

german new: Zuletzt verwendete Dokumente  <---- the new is shorter (2 less letters) 🙂



german old: Taskleiste Jump-Listen

german new: Taskleiste Sprunglisten or Taskleiste Sprung-Listen


section "system"


german old: Memory Dumps

german new: Speicher-Abbilder or Speicherabbilder



german old: CHKDSK Datenfragmente

german new: CHKDSK Dateifragmente  <--- File = Datei not Daten


ccleaner hauptmenü 4 übersetzungen falsch.JPG


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ccleaner -> custom clean -> tab "applicatons"


section "utilities"


german old: NVIDIA Install Files

german new: NVIDIA Installationsdateien



section "windows"

german old: Game Explorer

german new: Spiele-Explorer or Spieleexplorer


ccleaner hauptmenü zweite seite 2 übersetzungen falsch.JPG

ccleaner spieleexplorer.jpg


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ccleaner -> options -> include


title english: (Advanced users only)

title german old: (für Fortgeschrittene)

title german new: (nur Fortgeschrittene) or (nur Erfahrene)      <--- only = nur


english: Custom files to delete and folders to empty

german old: Zu bereinigente Dateien und Ordner

german new: Ausgewählte Dateien löschen und Ordner leeren





in this context:

maybe a general suggestion for translation, especially "Custom Clean" in german language...

instead of "Benutzerdefinierte Bereinigung" prefer to take that -> "Ausgewählte Bereinigung" <- it is a lot shorter 😉 if there are space problems left in Ccleaner in the 2nd main button "Custom Clean"




ccleaner options include englisch.JPG

ccleaner options include deutsch.JPG


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ccleaner -> options -> scheduling


title english: Schedule Ccleaner to automatically clean your PC

german old: Erstellen Sie einen Zeitplan für Ccleaner zur automatischen PC Reinigung

german new: Erstelle Zeitplan für Ccleaner zur automatischen PC-Reinigung or Planung für Ccleaner zur automatischen PC-Reinigung


english: Run task monthly on specific:     o Day(s):     o Day(s) of week:

german old: Starte Aufgabe monatlich:     o Tag(e):    o Wochentag(e):

german new: Starte Aufgabe monatlich an bestimmten:     o Tag(en):     o Wochentag(en)                                      <--- (specific = bestimmt)


english: Run ccleaner every...                                                        of each month...

german old: Ccleaner starten jeden...                                          Jeden Monats...

german new: Starte Ccleaner jeden...                                       eines jeden Monats...


ccleaner options scheduling englisch.JPG

ccleaner options scheduling deutsch.JPG


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ccleaner -> options -> settings -> section "secure deletion"



normal file deletion (faster)

secure file deletion (slower) <--- one style in english 🙂


Normales Datei-Löschen (schneller)

Sicheres löschen von Dateien (langsamer)  <--- why two different translation-forms (styles - in english is only one style)

Sicheres Datei-Löschen (langsamer)                                                       


(or the other translation way around, must decide the translator)


Normales Löschen von Dateien (schneller)

Sicheres Löschen von Dateien (langsamer)


ccleaner_settings übersetzung.JPG


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ccleaner -> options -> smart cleaning


english: -> "Tell me if there are junk files to clean"

german old: "Benachrichtigen, wenn eine Bereinigung von Junk Dateien notwendig ist" (in german we dont say Junk Dateien)

german new: "Benachrichtigen, wenn Datenmüll bereinigt werden kann" (its better and shorter)

 or "Benachrichtigung über Datenbereinigung" or "Benachrichtigung zur Datensäuberung" (more shorter) or "Mitteilung über Datenmüll" or similar




english: "Smart Cleaning uses the same cleaning rules as custom clean"

german old: "Die Funktion Smart Cleaning nutzt dieselben Regeln für die Bereinigung wie die Funktion Erweiterte Bereinigung"

german new: "`Smart Cleaning` nutzt dieselben Bereinigungs-Regeln wie `Benutzerdefinierte Bereinigung`"


english: "if cleaning safes more than"

german old: "wenn Bereinigung mehr als"

german new: "Wenn Bereingung mehr einspart als"


english: "then -> prompt me to clean"

german old: "dann -> Vor Bereinigung auffordern"

german new: "dann -> Auffordern für Bereinigung"



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ccleaner -> tools


english: Disk Analyzer

german old: Disk Analyzer

german new: Disk analysieren -> perhaps "Festplatte analysieren"


english: Duplicate Finder

german old: Duplicate Finder

german new: Duplikate finden

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Software updater


--> on the right side -> the two buttons "update" and "refresh" <--- two different words and meaning/senses


in german there -> "aktualisieren" and "aktualisieren"



perhaps other translations: refresh = wiederholen/auffrischen/erneuern


= "update" -> "aktualisieren" with meaning of app-updates

= "refresh" -> "wiederholen" or "auffrischen" or "erneuern" with meaning of a new searching for updates

but in certain circumstances also "erneut suchen" <- but its a bit longer for the button to fill with german text




english: current version

german old: aktuelle Version

german new: Vorhandene Version



ps: speccy was detected as "from unknown publisher"? <--- not Piriform or Avast?


why are there in section "up-to-date programs" also "defraggler and recuva" detected? if it is installed...

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On 18/03/2021 at 00:57, trium said:

why are there in section "up-to-date programs" also "defraggler and recuva" detected? if it is installed...

sorry - i forgot "not" 🙂

why ... not detected? if it is installed...

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ccleaner -> options -> privacy...


english: Personal Privacy

german old: Personal Privacy <--- is still in engish 🙂

german new: Persönlicher Datenschutz or Persönliche Privatsphäre


my opinion to "personal privacy":

isnt it a little bit "overdressed" written language? where is the different between "privacy" and "personal privacy"? doesnt it mean the same?

istn already "personal privacy" included in "privacy"?


if it does...

german new: Datenschutz or Privatsphäre

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ccleaner -> options -> updates


if i use ccleaner with minimal size of window there is a graphic issue with the first translated sendence and the first check-box...

i see 2 possibilities...
1.) translate the first sentence shorter in german. by exactly 2 words. Because "bereinigen kann" hangs over and into the check-box
2.) adapt the graphical user interface so that the graphic (the check box) is automatically moved to the next line in the ccleaner window.

are there no automatic placeholders in ccleaner?



the next:

english: "Keep Ccleaner updated automatically"

german old: "Ccleaner automatisch auf dem neuesten Stand halten"

german new: "Halte Ccleaner automatisch aktuell"        <--- short as in english



english: "Send notifications when there is a new version of Ccleaner"          <--- "a new version" = singular

german old: "Benachrichtigungen über neue Versionen von Ccleaner erhalten"    <---- "neue Versionen" = plural

german new: "Erhalte Benachrichtigungen über eine neue Version von Ccleaner"    <--- "eine neue Version" = singular



Why "send notifications"? how many notifications should i recieve if "a new version" is available?

more than one? -> one notification should be enough or not?

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ccleaner -> advanced ...


the blue button "restore default settings"

in german "Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen"


is to small with the german translation!

-> apply the automatic placeholder?


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ccleaner -> tools -> software updater


there is an graphic issue with minimal size of ccleaner window in german.


if ccleaner is offline after a while it shows a message

"It seems like your offline"

"Please check your internet connection and try again"


in german:

"Sie scheinen offline zu sein"

"Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung und versuchen es erneut"


the last word of the sentence "...erneut" is only at half displayed!


-> i mean -> apply the automatic placeholder on the size of the ccleaner window and on the size of the translated text?

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On 17/03/2021 at 18:48, trium said:

ccleaner -> tools


english: Duplicate Finder

german old: Duplicate Finder

german new: Duplikate finden


In the english: "Duplicate Finder", Finder is used as a noun. So, the german old: "Duplicate Finder" is correct using Finder (noun)

rather than finden (verb), and the only correction should be using Duplikate rather than Duplicate.


So, in summary, the german new should be "Duplikate Finder".

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yes, of course you can also take it that way. the translator has to weigh that up whats good or not so good. i personally mean that "Duplikate Finder" sounds unpleasant

besides with this additional tool in ccleaner in german -> wir finden nicht -> wir suchen Duplikate; and because its not a own single tool but rather part of the ccleaner i mean "Duplicate Finder" is only in german "Dupikate finden" as an activity - not as its own single tool/app.

another suggestion:

german new "Duplikate suchen"


but since it is written in the english original... can it be as its in english in the main as you say

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