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Defraggler Takes Hours Other Products about a Minute ?


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Can someone tell me why Defraggler telld me that my drive has fragmentation and then when I start defragmenting I need to leave it running overnight or longer to do the job. When I downloaded a competing product and ran it on the same imaged drive that Defraggler had previously defragmented the competing product was able to finish in a minute or so - after that I checked the drive with Defraggler which reported no defragmentation ???


Sounds like some serious efficiencies are needed in Defraggler's algorithms.


The competing product also recognised my Samsung 960 M.2 drive as an SSD - something that Defraggler cannot !

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- It also depends on what kind of defragging you want to be executed. If you only defragment the fragmented files then it's much faster than when you defrag the entire drive.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


A discussion always stimulates the braincells !!!

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