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System reserve


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I can't defragment the system the system reserve with the defragmenter supplied with the computer. I was trying to find if there is an option to use the Piriform defrag to do this task. It always says 100% defragmented but when I click it nothing happens. I would appreciate any advice!

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If it's saying 100% defragmented then there is nothing to be defragged so what action were you expecting?


The System Reserved Partition doesn't need defragging - it does not affect system performance in the slightest.
It is a very small partition that contains boot information, once you are booted it does not affect anything else.



I'm not sure if you can normally defrag the System Reserved Partition anyway, because it does not normally have a drive letter.

You may need to give it a drive letter before you can (try to) defrag it.


If you realy want to try then you could try doing a boot time defrag first.
(I've used this in the past to defrag the pagefile and other system files that don't normally get defragged because they are in use by Windows).

Because this runs before Windows is initialised it can defrag the files that Windows itself uses and are nornally locked from defragging.

In Defraggler go to 'Settings' and select 'Boot time Defrag' from the menu. ('Run Once' should give you an idea if it will defrag the System Reserved partition).

Then shutdown and reboot your computer.
Check to see if the partition has been defragged.


But you say that yours is already 100% defragmented, so I don't know what difference you would see anyway?

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