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What's the largest HD size Defraggler can read?

wigga whambo

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I currently have two 5.0TB HDs and it seems Defraggler can't fully read them.  It can detect that they're there but they don't seem to do anything when I initiate the program.

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you can only assume from the 38 views of your topic to date, that nobody knows the answer so far.

also factor in the holiday season and you may have to wait.


I could guess an answer of 4TB but that is all it is, a guess.


rest assured, all topics do get read by the Admin Team (if they aren't on holidays :) ) and if they can't answer your query, it will be passed along to the Dev Team and an answer will hopefully become available just as soon as that process is done.

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Tom CCleaner

Hey there :)


Could you send me some screenshots showing the Defraggler Window when you first open it and then when you've clicked the Analyze/Defrag buttons?


Could you also explain what function you're using when you say you "initiate the program"?

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wigga whambo

Well before I do all that, is there any way you can tell me what the size limit is?  And would the Pro version be any better?


If there's a definite limit then this is probably why I'm having this problem.

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from a defragging point of view, the Free and Pro versions are the same.

and that would include any such limits on drive size.

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