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CCleaner v2.03.532 Additional Suggestions


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I am currently using CCleaner v2.03.532 on Windows Vista 32-bit and would like to suggest some additional cleaning options to be included in the application. Some of these have also been echoed elsewhere in this forum.




FileKey1: "%localappdata%|IconCache.db"


This file stores a record of the most recently used icons for files and applications.




FileKey1: "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer|thumbcache_*.db"

FileKey2: "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ThumbCacheToDelete|*.tmp"


FileKey1 stores a record of most recently used pictures viewed in thumbnail view.

FileKey2 is created by Disk Cleanup for pending thumbnail record removal on system restart.




RegKey1: "HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify|IconStreams"

RegKey2: "HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify|PastIconsStream"


These two registry entries store records of the applications most recently run from the system tray notification area.




RegKey1: "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Recently Used Addresses"

RegKey2: "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Recent Stationery Wide List"


RegKey1 stores a record of the most recently used email addresses when sending mail.

RegKey2 stores a record of the most recently used stationery when sending mail.



All of the above files and registry entries are rebuilt and recreated as and when Windows requires them, some of them almost instantly. If these features could be added to CCleaner, this would be greatly appreciated.




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Another Vista feature for CCleaner to clean, already suggested in this forum, is the Reliability Monitor data stored at the following locations:


- "%programdata%\Microsoft\RAC\PublishedData"

- "%programdata%\Microsoft\RAC\StateData"


However, one of the problems with deleting all the files from these locations is that it takes Windows at least 24 hours to recreate the information and any corresponding files again. Unsurprisingly, this has led people to believe that the Reliability Monitor is no longer working due to the long delay. It may be possible to adjust the Reliability Monitor or Task Scheduler settings to speed up the delay, but I haven't investigated this thoroughly enough yet.



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