
I would like to place a filetype<s> or folder<s> within its own zone with a defined gap after each zone. The gap can be used to place addition files during a defrag.

There could also be an option to reset the gaps after a time as the space will get used up.

A nice GUI to visualise the zones would be rather useful.

Having different zone layout per drive would be needed.

Zones should be allowed to be placed at the start or end of the drive.

For examples of zones MyDefrag has these but IMO it is not very easy to get what you want, anyhow zones would be a great addition to defraggler.

I think this would be a good feature.

Example Zones:

- System Files

- User Profiles

- User created files

Of course, I am not certain if the OS would really obey these for long, as it may start writing files to any of the zones, since the OS doesn't primarily have "zones", but would likely treat any empty spot as a good spot to dump files... But then, Windows doesn't exactly write files contiguously either, so that's why we have Defraggler!