ZoneAlarm (Free) Error

Here's some information and a warning for fellow ZoneAlarm (Free Edition) users, I hope this keeps you protected!


Version: ZoneAlarm Firewall (Free Edition) 6.0.631.002

OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2

ZoneAlarm Firewall (Free Edition) v6.0.631.002 has an reproducible error which is:

Log Off -> Log On -> System Error within ZoneAlarm (Free Edition)

The system error is severe in that all protection components aren't active. The only solution is to reboot when the error is encountered. To stop the system error from occurring don't Log Off, hence the firewall may not function correctly when you Log On again.

Note: Although the behaviour is reproducible it doesn't happen 100% of the time.


Do you get a pop up notice, or do you actually have to bring up zone alarm?

Do you get a pop up notice, or do you actually have to bring up zone alarm?

Sometimes the firewall GUI will automatically open after Log On, sometimes it won't. There is no notice whatsoever!!!

Thats a problem. I never log off so it wont affect me but to someone with multiple accounts this is a huge issue. I'm sure its going to be fixed soon.

I found the best solution was to downgrade to the previous version, now I'm not experiencing any problems.

I found the best solution was to downgrade to the previous version, now I'm not experiencing any problems.

If you want to use the latest version again it might help to perform a manual uninstall of zonealarm, which is detailed Here.

It seems the usual method of using add/remove programs, is not always effective at times like these.

Like I said this problem dosent bother me that much. The only issue I have with zone alarm is that it messes with some of my games. I play Unreal Tournament 2004 a lot and whenever I have ZA running the game tells me that I'm using a speed hack. No I do not cheat and it only happens when ZA is running. Other than that Zone Alarm fits my needs perfectly.

If you want to use the latest version again it might help to perform a manual uninstall of zonealarm, which is detailed Here.

It seems the usual method of using add/remove programs, is not always effective at times like these.

Thank you for the information, however I already know about cleaning up after it's "uninstalled." It leaves a ton of stuff in the registry and on disk, and always has. It's an old issue which to this day they haven't got right with their uninstall routine.

The only issue I have with zone alarm is that it messes with some of my games.

Well I had and discovered even more issues than what I detailed above. The only reason I'm even sticking with ZA was because you told me that the constant pop-up alerts could be disabled, had you not told me that we wouldn't even has this thread hence I would've never even bothered giving ZA a try again.

If you don't mind can you name a few of those? I have installed ZA on my own pc and about 50 other friends and families pcs as well and the only time theirs has ever been a problem is when they blocked good processes. (Like IE). Now I have gotten better and remember to train ZA before I leave.

If you don't mind can you name a few of those?

When I was using ZoneAlarm Firewall (Free Edition) v6.0.631.002:

* Install/Setup:

Had to try multiple times to get it to install since some "glb*.tmp" file couldn't be read. That should've been the big warning that I shouldn't have even attempted to install it.

* Removal of a program that was allowed temporary Internet access:

If the program was allowed temporary Internet access on more than one occassion it would reappear sometime later in the ZoneAlarm Program Control. I found that the program had to be removed the same number of times it was allowed Internet access. Note: This is also a problem with some SFX RAR archives and is also present in v5.5.094.000.

* System Startup:

At random times WinXP would get stuck on the startup screen with a neverending progress/loading bar. Had to resort to holding the power button to force a shutdown, and then try to startup again.

* System Restart/Shutdown:

zlclient.exe would stop responding and sometimes restart/shutdown wouldn't properly work. Had to resort to holding the power button to force a shutdown, a bad shutdown nonetheless which then; makes it necessary to run "chkdsk /f" to fix any possible errors.

* Updating Some Programs:

Some trusted programs weren't allowed to access the Internet, no solution for that (reminds me of Sygate Personal Firewall).

I guess its just luck of the draw then. Thanks for the heads up if anyone I know is having those types of errors the first place I will look is Zone Alarm.

Forgot to mention that v6.0.631.002 would sometimes loose the ability to use the Windows theme displayed and would use the Windows classic theme instead.