
S'aight, but now you know why some people may not have answered.

May I ask what zip program you had before "Winrar" and Why did you switch?


Please list "other post" , you are talking about ?


2 advantages of Wirar are to me , 1.1MB download (small) , Able to compress and uncompress RAR files....Also , interface looks good.

i have not try winrar before... maybe i should give it a try... :)

i have not try winrar before... maybe i should give it a try... :)

I used Winrar to shrink an ISO from 550MB to 500MB. 50MB off is a lot when doing a file transfer over a cable network to someone one DSL.

S'aight, but now you know why some people may not have answered.



Again , Sorry , I must have got a little anxious and fat fingered when I posted. :rolleyes:

i have not try winrar before... maybe i should give it a try... :)

At present I am testing Zip Genius but I will give Winrar a shot.Sounds good from what Tarun says.

At present I am testing Zip Genius but I will give Winrar a shot.Sounds good from what Tarun says.

indeed... winrar is good... try it! :D

indeed... winrar is good... try it! :D

Tried it and I'm going to pull the trigger on it. Excellent Program. :D

Might want to look at Zgenius again-It's only 1.65mb. The rest that you refer to is a password manager and file transfer.

Might want to look at Zgenius again-It's only 1.65mb. The rest that you refer to is a password manager and file transfer.

Yep , but I already made the commitment(sp) to WINRAR.

Besides the interface is a little more straight-forward. Being the tightwad I am I would give Z Genius another go-round but I think WINRAR would be better in the long-run.

Thanx for the input though.... :)

Any takes on 7-ZIP as a Zip Compression Utility? I am currently using "JUSTZIPIT" (Any takes on this one..) but the compression is limited to ZIP and doesn't compress to my liking .

Advantages of 7-ZIP are ,it's free and the compression choices are many and seems to compress better.

i just download and try 7zip... very nice program... faster and light...

I use WinRAR myself and I love it.

i just download and try 7zip... very nice program... faster and light...

Just for the H*** of it I will purchase Winrar and have 7-Zip also , since it is free .

In case 7-Zip comes up with something Spectacular in their beta version.

Well , Looks like this topic is dead in the water , Hey ?

Long live Winrar and 7-Zip..... :D

I use winrar.

I use winrar.

I was going with 7-Zip but most of the guys here seem to value Winrar, (value their opinions) :) which I gave Winrar a second look and agreed that the cost for a single license weighs out in the long run , So I chose Winrar.

The resources are low and it supports decompressing 7z anyway and the interface was friendly and looks good. Seems to be stable , all around excellent program.

However 7-Zip is also small on the resources but interface is not as good as Winrar and doesn't compress rar. I will keep an eye on this open source zip compressor when the beta-version is finished . This also is an excellent zip compressor.

Question is I don't really want or need two compression programs.