S'aight, but now you know why some people may not have answered.
S'aight, but now you know why some people may not have answered.
2 advantages of Wirar are to me , 1.1MB download (small) , Able to compress and uncompress RAR files....Also , interface looks good.
i have not try winrar before... maybe i should give it a try...
I used Winrar to shrink an ISO from 550MB to 500MB. 50MB off is a lot when doing a file transfer over a cable network to someone one DSL.
Again , Sorry , I must have got a little anxious and fat fingered when I posted.
At present I am testing Zip Genius but I will give Winrar a shot.Sounds good from what Tarun says.
At present I am testing Zip Genius but I will give Winrar a shot.Sounds good from what Tarun says.
indeed... winrar is good... try it!
Tried it and I'm going to pull the trigger on it. Excellent Program.
Might want to look at Zgenius again-It's only 1.65mb. The rest that you refer to is a password manager and file transfer.
Might want to look at Zgenius again-It's only 1.65mb. The rest that you refer to is a password manager and file transfer.
Yep , but I already made the commitment(sp) to WINRAR.
Besides the interface is a little more straight-forward. Being the tightwad I am I would give Z Genius another go-round but I think WINRAR would be better in the long-run.
Thanx for the input though....
Any takes on 7-ZIP as a Zip Compression Utility? I am currently using "JUSTZIPIT" (Any takes on this one..) but the compression is limited to ZIP and doesn't compress to my liking .Advantages of 7-ZIP are ,it's free and the compression choices are many and seems to compress better.
i just download and try 7zip... very nice program... faster and light...
I use WinRAR myself and I love it.
Just for the H*** of it I will purchase Winrar and have 7-Zip also , since it is free .
In case 7-Zip comes up with something Spectacular in their beta version.
Well , Looks like this topic is dead in the water , Hey ?
Long live Winrar and 7-Zip.....
I use winrar.
I was going with 7-Zip but most of the guys here seem to value Winrar, (value their opinions) which I gave Winrar a second look and agreed that the cost for a single license weighs out in the long run , So I chose Winrar.
The resources are low and it supports decompressing 7z anyway and the interface was friendly and looks good. Seems to be stable , all around excellent program.
However 7-Zip is also small on the resources but interface is not as good as Winrar and doesn't compress rar. I will keep an eye on this open source zip compressor when the beta-version is finished . This also is an excellent zip compressor.
Question is I don't really want or need two compression programs.