Zero day buffer overflow attack


The vulnerability is confirmed on a fully patched Microsoft Windows XP SP2 system. Other versions may also be affected.


The risk of exploitation via Internet Explorer can be reduced by not visiting untrusted websites.

The currently known exploit can also be prevented from running by deactivating support for Active Scripting.

Provided and/or discovered by:

Discovered as a 0-day.

Secunia link


The risk of exploitation via Internet Explorer can be reduced by not visiting untrusted websites.

The currently known exploit can also be prevented from running by deactivating support for Active Scripting.

Secunia link

Or.... just don't use IE. :D

Or.... just don't use IE. :D

I agree completely. Switch to Firefox. It takes 30 secs. and it is sooo much better. That anybody who knows the first thing about computers still uses IE frankly amazes me.

Or.... just don't use IE. :D

LOL :)

There is a subtle hint to my posting.

Yeah, I read about this exploit recently on Slashdot.

I been saying all the time IE is bad! :D

Some day ago, I said something pretty similiar to Woody and got flamed for it. :D



Ok first off this is just my experience. So No flaming allowed, hehe. Awhile back after listening to pretty much all of You. I installed firefox. No fancy extensions or nothing. Long story Short I thought it sucked. it took Me 10 times longer for pages to load then IE, sometimes even longer. Mostly pages with pics. I belong to a custom paiting board & members post pics of theyre work for Critique. It was allmost impossible to view them with firefox. So I finnally uninstalled it. Ok Did I install it wrong? Didn,t know how to use it? Or would this be a normal problem that others have had. Cuz I,d sure give it another shot. allthough I dont have any problems with IE. Just Curious. Thanks Cowboy

Ok first off this is just my experience. So No flaming allowed, hehe. Awhile back after listening to pretty much all of You. I installed firefox. No fancy extensions or nothing. Long story Short I thought it sucked. it took Me 10 times longer for pages to load then IE, sometimes even longer. Mostly pages with pics. I belong to a custom paiting board & members post pics of theyre work for Critique. It was allmost impossible to view them with firefox. So I finnally uninstalled it. Ok Did I install it wrong? Didn,t know how to use it? Or would this be a normal problem that others have had. Cuz I,d sure give it another shot. allthough I dont have any problems with IE. Just Curious. Thanks Cowboy

I have no such problem. Firefox is fast for me. You can try download latest Firefox maybe it works better than whatever version you used back then, also in a couple of weeks or a month, I think that Firefox 2.0 will be released. Maybe that will work better for you. Until then you can atleast try Opera, it is standard-compliant (unlike IE) and more secure than IE.

it took Me 10 times longer for pages to load then IE, sometimes even longer.

If the site is coded specifically for IE that could cause a severe slowdown as I recently experienced trying to get my 10 free tracks from Sony's and finally gave up because after waiting 5+ minutes for the page to load the s.o.b. stated I had to use IE.

I've personally noticed significant to pathetic slow loading if a page has tons and gobs of JavaScript on a page and no this doesn't have anything to do with being on dial-up it's because of the pages coding. Such an example is Yahoo! TV which takes forever to load in FF unless I start my proxy filtering software CookieCop to block some of Yahoo's JavaScript, yet the same site loads a bit faster in IE and Opera.

Edit: Just letting you know there's no way you could have installed it wrong!

Webmasters who have websites that don't valid as valid HTML/XHTML and CSS should be hanged.

Same for news sites that don't provide RSS feeds.

Have a website? Validate it!


* CSS -

Webmasters who have websites that don't valid as valid HTML/XHTML and CSS should be hanged.

With the plethora a WYSIWYG web page authoring applications that can and do make a royal mess of the page code it's no wonder there's severe and even critical compatibility issues when a particular browser chokes on some websites.

And yeah you're correct about validating the code which is a must, especially for companies that have websites, and a "good" image to keep because often the website is the first contact people have with some companies or services, and it's nothing but a quick way to lose a potential customer if their Firefox, or Opera doesn't work on a site and they're forced to use Internet Explorer.

With the plethora a WYSIWYG web page authoring applications that can and do make a royal mess of the page code it's no wonder there's severe and even critical compatibility issues when a particular browser chokes on some websites.

And yeah you're correct about validating the code which is a must, especially for companies that have websites, and a "good" image to keep because often the website is the first contact people have with some companies or services, and it's nothing but a quick way to lose a potential customer if their Firefox, or Opera doesn't work on a site and they're forced to use Internet Explorer.

Yeah, WYSIWYG is for suckers! Real men use text editors. :D

Funny how when there is a critical zero day exploit which can do remote code execution and install malware and all kinds of crazy stuff, it takes Microsoft a month until the next "patch Tuesday" to fix it. But when there is a vulnerability in the Windows DRM that allowed people to circumvent the copy-protection there is a patch within 3 days.