Zango Suing Kaspersky

Blimey! :blink:

Zango?s high-profile lawsuit against anti-spyware company Kaspersky Lab is ?akin to a cat burglar suing the alarm company,? Kaspersky?s law firm argued to a federal appellate court.

In papers filed this week with the 9th Circuit, Kaspersky said that Zango has no grounds to sue the security company for removing Zango?s software, which serves pop-up ads. ?Allowing Zango?s suit will have a chilling effect on the Internet security industry and, ultimately, on use of the Internet,? Kaspersky argues.

Calling security software vendors ?the sentinels of the Internet,? Kaspersky argued that forcing such companies ?to allow malware to pass through a computer?s ?gates? unchallenged will compromise computer security and, ultimately, the free flow of information over the Internet.?


I hope Kaspersky wins this because (screw you Zango!!!!!!) Zango screwed my old PC up with all these popup ads and spyware. Wasted so much time.

Zango screwed my old PC up with all these popup ads and spyware. Wasted so much time.

With a good HOSTS file you would not have had to waste a second.


hpHosts HOSTS file:

Manage them with HostsMan:

How can legit companies like Kapersky have a hard time against a slut like Zango? Easy, it's called Global Economy. Zango (etc.) is not based on US (or even EU or UN) constitutional rights. And as intended or unintended retarded growths of Arnachy International every dastard inside those bizarre jurisdictions will uphold whatever misconstrued rights they have.

Can't blame them for trying. :rolleyes:

These are the times where I wish the best hackers out there infiltrated Zango and deleted everything to shut them down. That, and any other company that is similar.