Your Internet - Snail, Hare or Cheetah ?

Okay, so I am sitting here in South Africa on a 2mbit/s, uncapped and a bit shaped line from MWEB for about R500,00 (~$46.08 USD & ~£27.53 GBP).

Came across this article. So that maid me wonder and worry how bad are our internet really is.

What is your internet speed rated, who is your ISP and what do you pay ?


Edit: Added my stats

Edit: Added correct currency

My stats here:

Okay what do you pay per month ?

Okay what do you pay per month ?

Oh yeah sorry forgot that part. :D

35,9€/month which is ~49.15USD / ~29.35GBP

I have 20 MBPS fibre optic the fastest possible in my area as of yet, I bought a $100 DSL modem, and the monthly ISP bill only costs a mere $5.00 more per month than the snail paced 3 MBPS I used to have so my bill is $39.95 per month. Anyone still on something frustratingly slow call your ISP to see what it would cost to get a speed boost it may be more reasonable than imagined.

I can't use, I have Adobe Flash Player disabled on purpose.

Came across this article. So that maid me wonder and worry how bad are our internet really is.

I've seen on a few forums over the years about South Africa having Internet that's on and off. One member on a forum complained about that, he also complained about electricity doing the same. However here in the U.S.A. during the thunderstorm season in the spring which begins in just one month having the electricity go out is common.

I've 100/10Mb cable.


i have a 20/5 connection with optimum online, which is pretty solid.

at RIT I had a 1000/1000 connection, and it was glorious.

100/x lines aren't offered to consumers by optimum, I dont think. I really wish Google would bring fiber my way ;)

DSL for $25 a month, terrbile customer service, terrible speeds, and no other ISP reaches my neck of the woods. There was talk about higher speeds being available but bears must of ate the line workers or something.


3308932956.png . . $55

Edit: Modem indicates a cap at: Downstream Rate 50111Kbps, Upstream Rate 5120Kbps

However here in the U.S.A. during the thunderstorm season in the spring which begins in just one month having the electricity go out is common.

Please don't remind me. God forbid, if a squirrel crosses somewhere along the state border into Connecticut, I lose power. :wacko:


nothing flash, but it suffices, plus I am too far from the exchange for anything better.

gives me 250gib/month for $100 (but that includes the bundled landline service)

my 3 sq mi town has our own electricity, we needn't even deal with LIPA (or PSEG, or whomever is operating the show over here now)

DSL for $25 a month, terrbile customer service, terrible speeds, and no other ISP reaches my neck of the woods. There was talk about higher speeds being available but bears must of ate the line workers or something.

If CenturyLink is available in your area look into them. Note that you'll probably pay more than $25 per month but your speed will be much better.

Wee. lol


Have AT&T U-Verse. Not sure exactly how much we pay a month since it's bundled with our cable, but I think it's somewhere around 40 bucks a month.

edited - decided to run it again to see how much difference a few minutes makes.

Some new potential locations for Google Fiber rollout.

If Fiber came to my humble island I'd hop on it in a heartbeat :(

Some new potential locations for Google Fiber rollout.

If Fiber came to my humble island I'd hop on it in a heartbeat :(

I can only dream for the Fiber, will most likely cost an arm and a leg added a kidney :(

I love my Verizon FiOS fiber service - 25/25. Had it since 2007. And this isn't even the fastest speeds they offer.


I envy anyone with upstream/upload speeds over 1 Mbps, according to CenturyLink the fastest upstream speed in my area of Iowa is at 0.896 which is really slow.

I can only dream for the Fiber, will most likely cost an arm and a leg added a kidney :(

$70/mo for 1000/1000 uncapped,

$120/mo for 1000/1000 uncapped + TV service

I can't complain much about my internet (other than it's not fast enough for my browsing habits) because Cablevision is actually a good ISP, compared to TWC, Comcast, et al.

Should be interesting to see what happens with the TWC/Comcast merger.

$70/mo for 1000/1000 uncapped,

$120/mo for 1000/1000 uncapped + TV service

I can't complain much about my internet (other than it's not fast enough for my browsing habits) because Cablevision is actually a good ISP, compared to TWC, Comcast, et al.

Should be interesting to see what happens with the TWC/Comcast merger.

Let me put it in simple term, South Africa has "10mb/s" lines but IF, IF you are lucky you will get 3 - 5 mb/s.

That being said, we aren't CLOSE so that speeds nor cable, Fiber isn't even available to public and will not be for a long time.