you think the american diet has gone astray?

i would think so. :blink: ever watch "man vs food" or "diners, drives and dives" on food network? a gluttinous amount of greasy, sweet and salty goodness like fries, chili dogs, pastrami sanwiches etc. but darn it, we cant avoid em..they taste so good.


if wondering what that is, its glazed donuts a'la cheeseburger style :(

as well as this, a pastrami and roast beef brisket sandwich


They love the convenience of the 24 hour drive through at the Golden Arches for a snack of a Big Mac, large Coke and fries.

Can I Jumbo size that order for you? bellows out of the speaker after you have given your OK for your order.

That pastrami and roast beef brisket picture made me hungry for a Montreal smoked meat sandwich with a crunchy dill pickle from Schwartz's Deli: <== To Die For

All the "preservatives" they put into food can't be a good thing regardless of all those "it's safe" claims. The sodium content of most food items is just absurd, let alone the other crap that is in it which may very well need a chemist to explain.

Diet for a new America = We're all a science project.

...Can I Jumbo size that order for you? bellows out of the speaker after you have given your OK for your order....

I thought they stopped doing that...I could be very wrong. I thought they had some good hearts (and minds :P) to realized they were hurting their customers. Don't get me wrong, I love McDonald's (I go once every few months), but I thought they wised up about the Jumbo/Super sizing bit. If you've seen Supersize Me, it might make you not want McDonald's for a few weeks.


If you've seen Supersize Me, it might make you not want McDonald's for a few weeks.

I've seen that documentary a couple of times. Worth a watch for any McFan or any other fast food evangelist.

Supersize Me

I've seen that documentary a couple of times. Worth a watch for any McFan or any other fast food evangelist.
1 hour 40 minutes

I like

I'm living a 3/4 vegetable only diet right now because I'm unsure which meats trigger my IBS, so I am enjoying my semi-american lifestyle. :ph34r:

I thought they stopped doing that...I could be very wrong. I thought they had some good hearts (and minds :P) to realized they were hurting their customers. Don't get me wrong, I love McDonald's (I go once every few months), but I thought they wised up about the Jumbo/Super sizing bit. If you've seen Supersize Me, it might make you not want McDonald's for a few weeks.


Oh dear , that to me is really sad . It is surely your business to eat at McDonalds or anywhere else but it is not rocket science to buy good ingrediants and cook something yourself . Decide on the dish . get the ingrediants and the rest is just getting the timing right , with the aid of just a little chemistry .

Visiting Florida in 1998 and 1999 we were amazed at the poor quality of the food and drinks available , coffee terrible , beer awful , wine ok TG for California . Tell me I am wrong but steaks looking good and fairly cheap seemed to have come from cattle that were pumped up with steroids .

We do not use McDonalds , Starbucks etc. as they IMHO sell an inferior product . Like a lot of things in life the hype is generated by advertising and the media .

Come on America , shape up the world is looking to you for inspiration . Fat is not fit so get a grip .

Come on America , shape up the world is looking to you for inspiration .

With the way things are going the shape of things to come is round. :lol:

I rather have a Subway sandwich over McD's and other similar fast food places.

I could go for a Sloppy Joe On A Krispy Kreme right about now but there is no Krispy Kreme outlet near me.

Tim Hortons Chilli is not bad:

I rather have a Subway sandwich over McD's and other similar fast food places.

The same here, Subway would always win over any fast food place for me. That and Subway doesn't give me a stomachache after eating their food.

The same here, Subway would always win over any fast food place for me. That and Subway doesn't give me a stomachache after eating their food.

I even go to a subway when going on road trips (lunch and/or dinner, if possible).

Haven't you read the bill of rights?

Freedom of eating whatever we want is in there.

Sadly, theres never any food in my house ;_;

Sadly, theres never any food in my house ;_;

I helps if you get a job or have a decent retirement pension: