YoKenny is about to enter the Age of Vista

Being an Aquarius I thought I would venture into a new age.

I put a down payment on a Pentium Dual Core E5200, 4GB RAM, 160GB 7200 hard drive, LG DVD-RW both SATA and Windows Vista Premium in a IN WIN V-Series V564T2 case.

Hopefully after rent, food, Internet, cable TV and phone I will have enough left over by the end of the month.

The Next Big Thing will be Tax Time at the end of April.

sounds sweet mate. i have WVHP as well. visualize vistagratification

Why just a Dual core? Why not go for a Core 2 Duo?

Why just a Dual core? Why not go for a Core 2 Duo?

Those Pentium Dual Cores are stripped down Core 2's. I think.

@ YoKenny...please, seriously consider a graphics card. Even with 4 GBs of RAM, you'll be annoyed. What resolution is your monitor at? I'll recommend a decent one. If you don't play games ( I'm assuming you don't) you still want something better than the integrated graphics on the motherboard.



That is all I have to say.

quad core is better..but dont take my word for it.

Why just a Dual core? Why not go for a Core 2 Duo?
What's the difference?

@ YoKenny...please, seriously consider a graphics card. Even with 4 GBs of RAM, you'll be annoyed.

What resolution is your monitor at? I'll recommend a decent one.



IBM ThinkVision L170P TFT will do fine but I will happily accept the decent one that you offer.

quad core is better..but dont take my word for it.
I'll take your money for it though.

Consider these items.

  • It is to replace my old 500MHZ PIII

  • It will take me at least 3 months to pay it off if I do not go out to a restaurant, take upcoming bus trips, forgo other entertainment and live on macaroni and cheese

  • I have 2 other systems to play with

Yeah i think a lot of hype is built into 2 core, 4 core, blah blah blah....I don't play games on the computer, all i want is websites to load quick, and applications to run right and both my duo 2 and my quad core work about the same for that so save your money.....

I keep thinking I will start gaming (most of my buddies do) but i just don't seem to find the time...............and to be honest, my old xp system, if it hadnt finally kicked the bucket would have done me well.....

you made a good choice yokenny, we all have to work within our budgets and lifestyles and, well macaroni and cheese is not a food group....:)

I think your system has all the basics and will be an awesome machine. :)

Something like this is all you would need.

<a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133250" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814133250


With the rebate, $50 is a good deal. And even with the resolution, you'll probably be able to push everything up, even if you don't game.

This is a desktop, correct?

Vista is not a mistake. Yes it uses more resources, but hey, you've spec'd your machine accordingly. I have Ultimate 32 bit on my laptop and it runs fine. It takes a little getting used to, but I find it more polished than XP. Overall, I'm glad I have this laptop.


The rebate is only $20.00 and I won't need faster graphics right now.

It is a tower.

I'm looking forward to learning Vista.

I enjoy it, and I get a lot of scorned glares when I mention that in my circle D:

. . . and, well macaroni and cheese is not a food group....:)

I think your system has all the basics and will be an awesome machine. :)

Good choice, Yokenny, I agree with 1984 except about the macaroni and cheese. M&C has saved the lives of millions and millions of graduate students. It and peanut butter deserve a place in the food groups. :lol:

Good choice, Yokenny, I agree with 1984 except about the macaroni and cheese. M&C has saved the lives of millions and millions of graduate students. It and peanut butter deserve a place in the food groups. :lol:

When I went to university M&C with beef wieners or Cream of Mushroom or Tomato soup with bread was my lunch time diet as I could go home at lunch and whip them up in no time.

Those were the days of burning midnight oil, cramming and no Taliban.

This is my first post with my Vista system and it sure is strange.

You disable UAC yet? Hahahahahaha. You'll get a annoyed quick.


You disable UAC yet? Hahahahahaha. You'll get a annoyed quick.

It is annoying but I haven't disabled it yet.

I can't get my ClicKey application to stay active in IE where I like it most.

Its active in Windows.

It and peanut butter deserve a place in the food groups. :lol:

You spoke the hallowed words... Peanut Butter:

Peanut Butter Man:

EDIT: Good luck with the 'puter Ken. Any new toy's a good toy. :)

You spoke the hallowed words... Peanut Butter:

Peanut Butter Man:

EDIT: Good luck with the 'puter Ken. Any new toy's a good toy. :)

Whatever happened to davey?

A peanut bath?

I miss my ClicKey:


Whatever happened to davey?

We're all wondering that Ken, and hoping he's OK. ;)

Congrats Kenny! New toys are fun. Hair-tearing frustrating fun!

And about a month ago I was installing ME in a partition. Quite the time warp, no?


Anyway, today I crank-started a very old toy. I never had a cabinet before so I grabbed it from my nieces' storage and put in my old stereo.

Fits perfectly. I even still have my old Disc Cleaner equipment.



That's Olias Of Sunhillow (old Yes fans would know).