Yet more bad jokes

A couple had 9 children. They went to the doctor to

see about getting the husband "fixed". The doctor asked why, after 9

children, would you choose to do this. The husband replied that they had

read a recent article that 1 out of every 10 children being born was Mexican

and they didn't want a Mexican baby - especially since neither of them could

speak Spanish.

That's bad... ;)

What's worse though is that you said "bad joke" which triggers my autonomic 'make a worse joke' reflex...

Did you notice that on January 1st the images on your monitor suddenly became much more distinct allowing you to see even the tiniest details more easily and clearly than ever before?

New Year's Resolution.

Are we really advanced members?

You guys are crazy!!!



I guess I will join the club!

I assumed "Advanced" was an honorary title in my case, possibly refering to my age. I imagine it's not intellect or cyber-ability...

George had this to say about that.