What is this Yahoo Toolbar doing here? I know its optional but still ...
I'm very disappointed.
And why is that it is always trying to connect to NETBIOS outbound?
What is this Yahoo Toolbar doing here? I know its optional but still ...
I'm very disappointed.
And why is that it is always trying to connect to NETBIOS outbound?
What is this Yahoo Toolbar doing here? I know its optional but still ...
I'm very disappointed.
And why is that it is always trying to connect to NETBIOS outbound?
Did you accidentally install the Y Toolbar, or do you not like the option?
NETBIOS outbound...this may answer your question.
I hope this helps!
Did you accidentally install the Y Toolbar, or do you not like the option?
NETBIOS outbound...this may answer your question.
I hope this helps!
I didn't install the toolbar and I don't like the option.
The NETBIOS outbound attempt connection I think is more than it seeking for new updates.
I uncheck the auto update during the install by the way.
I didn't install the toolbar and I don't like the option.
The NETBIOS outbound attempt connection I think is more than it seeking for new updates.
I uncheck the auto update during the install by the way.
Yeah, GreenWhite, I gotta agree with you. I haven't used it, but I just don't like the fact that the addition of a toolbar more than doubles the total size of the installer!
I didn't install the toolbar and I don't like the option.
The NETBIOS outbound attempt connection I think is more than it seeking for new updates.
I uncheck the auto update during the install by the way.
Hmmm, sorry. Someone else will know more.
The toolbar is junk, spam as far as I'm concerned.
Last I checked Crap Cleaner was supposed to clean and REMOVE crap, not add it into your computer.
ccsetup127b1.exe - 534 kB
ccsetup127b2.exe - 1274 kB
740 kB different. More as the double.
I wouldn't mind if it would download the toolbar from the internet, but not add it to the installer. Please think about it or release 2 different version like WinAMP does and make the one without the toolbar more hard to find or something. So normal users would download the one with the Yahoo toolbar.
Now CCleaner comes with crap.
So beta2 of CCleaner includes Yahoo Toolbar. Now isnt this an irony?
I consider this going against the goals of CCleaner and what it stands for. I understand that it is optional, but still it is shovelware, I dont explicitly ask for it to come with anything else, so it should not.
Yahoo toolbar is by me considered to be crap. Hell will freeze before I ever install that.
Please think about it or release 2 different version like WinAMP does and make the one without the toolbar more hard to find or something. So normal users would download the one with the Yahoo toolbar.
Why should normal users (whatever they are) be tricked into downloading the version with the toolbar?
If two versions are made available, they should be equally easy to find so that the user has total control over which version they want to download.
It is always the uninitiated that end up with crap on their computers and then require help from others to get rid of it, which was always one of the nice things about ccleaner, anybody could use it to remove crap, now like everyone else is starting to mention it is doing the opposite.
Long live EasyCleaner, at least Toni Helenius does not resort to such tricks, maybe he could include something in EasyCleaner that removes Toolbars easily (for normal users of course).
i would said if CCleaner is going to include a toolbar, maybe have a installer to include the toolbar and one without... instead of having to download the whole package and exclude the installation of the toolbar during installation...
maybe someone out there like it... who knows...
Now, it can clean even more with the addition of pre-installed junk!
In any event I'm still using 1.26.218 and haven't even tried the first beta version. Looks like with the inclusion of the Yahoo! toolbar that I won't be compelled to update anytime soon either, at least with winapp2.ini I can still add my own entries without any need to ever update.
Thanks for the warning - I wouldn't have noticed the addition of that garbage toolbar.
I am very disappointed, but I can understand that someone has to pay for the development cost of this free product.
OMG dj posted. Please hang around some more.
Anyway I dont like the toolbar either but its only in the beta versions. So maybe it will be something thats only in the betas. Not sure only G can tell us.
Actually, if you read the Beta 2 announcement, it says
Once out of beta, hopefully later this week, I'll create some often requested different versions of the installer.
One without the toolbar for system admins and fans of minimilist apps, and a couple of others.
This means that there will be a version available without the toolbar.
Actually, if you read the Beta 2 announcement, it says
This means that there will be a version available without the toolbar.
Shouldn't be there to begin with because toolbars are CRAP.
Shouldn't be there to begin with because toolbars are CRAP.
The thing is that I like the idea of it being integrated with the browser. Of course I dont want a toolbar but to have a button that can be added or something might be cool. To bad it would be pretty much useless in firefox though.
Shouldn't be there to begin with because toolbars are CRAP.
Not to everyone - I have the Google toolbar installed on all my browsers on all my systems.
Google is almost a synonym for no crap Yahoo.. well I never used Yahoo. In Europe its Google and I heard its Yahoo in America