I use Yahoo as my home page and I have been using their Finance page to store useful info. I cannot access the info without my password, but Yahoo will not accept my original password and several new ones that I tried. I'm wondering if Ccleaner could be causing this problem. Unfortunately I'm an older guy and not very tech savvy. Any help in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
CCleaner would have no influence on Yahoo! accepting your password. Please confirm that you're typing your password correctly, and if need be, reset your password through Yahoo!
I haven't used it myself, so I can't vouch for it's effectiveness, but I remember reading about Ophcrack being useful in recovering lost/forgotten passwords for Windows user accounts. It may or may not work in your case, but it might be worth a try.
with the few times I've used Ophcrack, it only tries to get your PC logon password, not a websites.
the only way CCleaner would affect a websites password is be removing that particular cookie, forcing you to retype the password again.
if you can't remember your password, have made sure the Caps Lock is not on, and have exhausted all possible passwords, then it's time to use the "I can't access my account" link offered on the yahoo login page.
It should then either send a reset password link to the nominated email account or ask questions to prove you are the account holder.
Mind you though, I've never got the damn thing to work, but Hirems Boot CD has much better options.
But even those only go as far as the account profile, and from memory, there might be an Office file password cracker, but nothing I've ever seen does websites ie: cookies. (wonder why - can't be that hard an encryption - or maybe I've just never cared to look)
Hiren's password delete is actually fairly simple and most of the defaults should work, you just have to remember to finalize your changes at the end before quitting the prompt