Yahoo Messenger 8 Problem

I don't know why this thing doesn't open up. I created an administrator account, all settings are default. I used the installer from Yahoo. In it the new account, the installation shows it was successful, but when I try to open the program nothing happens. I tried many attempts but to no avail.

Using Windows XP SP2 Professional.


try installing the new beta from filehippo LINK

try installing the new beta from filehippo LINK

Bad move. The beta is a pain in the butt. He should stick with

Bad move. The beta is a pain in the butt. He should stick with

well i was just giving alternatives :) anyway tunerz do have a firewall? maybe that's the one causing YM 8 not to function :D

I only have XP's firewall. I have a router and a DSL modem with firewalls. In my laptop, YM installs and functions fine. In the desktop, it just won't open no matter how many times I clicked on the executable. In our family account, the YM8 installer from filehippo shows error regarding "unwise.exe". I hope the case is different in the new account.

Same thing on the test admin account. It also shows the error. It somehow states that you must run this with administrative privileges.

I got a screenshot of the error using administrator family account. I used the YM 8 installer in filehippo
