For almost a month now the only way I can access my Yahoo Mail account is by clicking on the website url THREE times. It may sound strange, but when I first click I get nothing happening, same with the second time. It's only when I do it for a third time that I can access my email account...
Anyone else having this problem or is it just me? I've tried it with both Firefox and IE7 and have the same outcome with both
I have an sbcglobal Yahoo email account and it works okay with me. Yahoo was gonna revamp their email system very soon. Maybe that has something to do with it.
I have an sbcglobal Yahoo email account and it works okay with me. Yahoo was gonna revamp their email system very soon. Maybe that has something to do with it.
cheers! I've asked elsewhere and it works OK for them too... it's strange. I'm sure yahoo aren't picking on me (!), but it's weird how this happens everytime...
Not the same problem Robbie, but Yahoo's gone a bit funny with me today. Won't work with WebMail Notifier, and keeps popping up these pain in the a**e boxes, to fill in the scrawl of numbers/letters.
I keep getting them right, but it keeps popping them up anyway. I've given up on it today.
Not the same problem Robbie, but Yahoo's gone a bit funny with me today. Won't work with WebMail Notifier, and keeps popping up these pain in the a**e boxes, to fill in the scrawl of numbers/letters.
I keep getting them right, but it keeps popping them up anyway. I've given up on it today.
perhaps yahoo is picking on people in the north east of England Dennis - first me and now you! Shocking!
I hate those crypto boxes. How many times are they going to include both the letters O and I with the numbers 0 and 1? Or you get rn which looks like m. Etc. etc. etc.
Not the same problem Robbie, but Yahoo's gone a bit funny with me today. Won't work with WebMail Notifier, and keeps popping up these pain in the a**e boxes, to fill in the scrawl of numbers/letters.
I keep getting them right, but it keeps popping them up anyway. I've given up on it today.
Sounds like they must be under some sort of botnet attack and in their haste to set up those boxes they also installed a few bugs.My friend uses Yahoo mail and he thought I had something to do with messing up his access.
I'm still having this problem and I'm having this access problem on more than one computer!
I'm getting worried in case I suddenly find I can't access my email anymore. I've had this particular email address since 1999 and it is my primary email address. I've got lots of emails there going back to 1999 and don't want to lose them. I doesn't seem like they can be backed up either.
This only started about a month ago. Very bizarre.
I'm still having this problem and I'm having this access problem on more than one computer!
I'm getting worried in case I suddenly find I can't access my email anymore. I've had this particular email address since 1999 and it is my primary email address. I've got lots of emails there going back to 1999 and don't want to lose them. I doesn't seem like they can be backed up either.
This only started about a month ago. Very bizarre.
I've just found out that it's Yahoo Mail Classic that's to blame here. They've been making a lot of changes, and it's the reason WebMailNotifier won't work anymore.
It was WebMailNotifier throwing up the "botchecks", not yahoo itself.
Switch to the New Yahoo Mail, which I don't like, and everythings fine again.
I think they must have been making the type of "improvements" that may force people to switch permanently to the new version.
I've just found out that it's Yahoo Mail Classic that's to blame here. They've been making a lot of changes, and it's the reason WebMailNotifier won't work anymore.
It was WebMailNotifier throwing up the "botchecks", not yahoo itself.
Switch to the New Yahoo Mail, which I don't like, and everythings fine again.
I think they must have been making the type of "improvements" that may force people to switch permanently to the new version.
EDIT: I love the new avatar Robbie. Nice one.
ah, I did once wonder if it was the Yahoo Mail Classic that could be the problem. I don't like that new beta one, the classic one looks and feels much better.
Yup, Angel Of the North in my avatar, she's 10 years old ths year and there's some celebrations in Gateshead next month, bands and other attractions and a fireworks display, all on June 22nd. I shall be there!
Yup, Angel Of the North in my avatar, she's 10 years old ths year and there's some celebrations in Gateshead next month, bands and other attractions and a fireworks display, all on June 22nd. I shall be there!
That sounds like a good time. Is it gonna be on the Angel site, and do you need tickets?
there's other events on other days too, including a candle event tomorrow night (listed under Late Events on the menu). That in itself is one of 20 cultural events taking place in Gateshead and Newcastle tomorrow night.