Yaa the rumours are true

As i have said a few times google have finally released a beta of there google talk app. Its a instant messaging client with voice capabilities and so far it looks pretty good. I can now finally let my hotmail account rot the only reason i still have it is to use msn messenger, no more Yaaaaaaa.

I love you google :-)

Oops nearly forgot you can get it here or here.

It is also only a 900Kb download where Msn Messenger is 9Mb also when idle in the task bar google talk takes up only 8.8Mb of ram where Msn Messenger takes 13.3Mb

u can use gmail in msn messenger.... plus i cant import my contacts as it wants a csv file and im not going to do it one separately

i cant use it... very few people in my contact list have gmail account...

You could just invite them, i believe no one in there right mind would choose hotmail over gmail it just does not make sense.

right now there is no point for Google's IM network.

the reason is this. it was released today and even so, AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, Jabber, Etc... are all superior to it. however when and if the google IM network becomes better, then that would not be completely true.

Hmm you say jabber is better but i think you will find that google talk is actualy jabber based.

i cant use it... very few people in my contact list have gmail account...

that does not matter in msn messenger hotmail and gmail are compatible

Hmm you say jabber is better but i think you will find that google talk is actualy jabber based.

i know it is however it is not the only jabber IM server out there ;)

are they compatible?

havent u put ur gmail into msn messenger?? all u have to do is validate the address

nope... but will i be able to use the google talk and chat with my friend using msn?


Google Talk is in beta, it does not connect to the other Jabber servers yet, but in the future it is likely that it will.

And as for Gmail it is awesome. 2,5 gigabyte space per account.

* No popups, no graphical, animated or flash banners, just text ads.

* You can "starr" important messages and find them easy.

* Can search for your mails and archive them.

* Can retrieve mail via Atom XML feeds.

* Does not collect 100 different personal information like other mail services. *cough* Hotmail *cough*

* Does not try to force/trick you into signing up for newsletters unlike other mail services *cough* Hotmail *cough*

* Has anti spam filter and you can target mails like newsletters, etc into labels.

Got it, used it, love it. Thanks for the link Englishmen.

Just checked it all out, sounds good, could be great for the kids to chat with their mates, all I need now is a gmail account.

Just checked it all out, sounds good, could be great for the kids to chat with their mates, all I need now is a gmail account.

Send me a PM with your email and I will send you an invite.

ya gmail is trully in a league of its own, as for hotmail, as the flow of emails slows, it will certainly rot...maybe i will demote it back to the address i give people i don't really like. 1 question here, or rather a theory needing validation: whats the best way to import all my contacts from hotmail to gmail. i was thinking, is there a way to do it through msn messenger? the only method i've read about thus far is using outlook express and saving a comma file or some crap like that, but outlook sucks so i'm not going that route. well, hopefully there is some good advice out there.