Not sure if CC is the culprit here but the last few times I tried to run Disk Cleanup, after CC install on this HP, it hung and maxed out my CPU at 100. Had to end it in Task Manager. Nothing in Event logs. Just thought I would post the question here before I go through the process of elimination. Thanks for any replys
Was it during "Compress old files"? If so, that's a known bug in Disk Cleanup. The CPU was working hard to figure out what files to compress and even though it will eventually complete (after hours, maybe days) in the end, compressing files with Disk Cleanup isn't even worth it. So, to disable it, save the following file and double-click it to merge it into your registry:
That is, if the hang you're referring to is during "Compress old files".
In addition, should DC hang (or take an inordinately long time) scanning "Office Setup Files" (like it usually does here) you can merge the following regfile:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Office Setup Files]
It is useful to hang on to your Office Setup Files themselves as while they're there you won't be prompted for the Office Setup CD-ROM while installing updates.
Also, as a matter of practice, before merging either Kelly's or my regfile, I do recommend exporting the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches subkey.
I really am a firm believer in backing up the original key before deleting parts of it...
Thanks DJ and Tony! Disk Cleanup is now usable speed-wise on my system again.
You're very welcome, Andavari - my pleasure.
Well as a matter of factly it was during compress. I will try the suggestions ya'll all kindly gave. I'm not really all that thrilled with Disk cleanup but would like to keep it at my disposal. Thank you for the input.
As a matter od fact, if you already have CCleaner, Disk Cleanup doesn't provide all too much of an added benefit.
To me, these days its main advantage lies the ability to remove all but the most recent Restore Point (on the "More Options" tab)
To me, these days it's main advantage lies the ability to remove all but the most recent Restore Point (on the "More Options" tab)
That's all I use it for, removing the old Restore Points.
Hey ya'll, I am so sorry for not posting back sooner on this topic. I got side tracked on other non-`puter issues and forgot all about this. In fact, I just stumbled across this since I saved it to file. I will try these suggestions you all have posted soon as I try DC again. Again, please accept my apologies for not posting back sooner. I really am not one of those un-grateful type.