It it possible to set that Windows will unload Shell extension DLLs from memory, when they are not been used for a period of time?
Windows XP does this automatically, whereas previous operating systems benefited by the "AlwaysUnloadDLL" tweak.
If you're indeed running Win XP (or Vista), there's no need to undertake any action.
No, it does not do that. It keeps them in memory until system is rebooted.
Well, try this tweak, and see whether it will make a difference:
I've used that AlwaysUnloadDLL "tweak" before, and have noticed zero differences with it enabled/disabled in WinXP.
That "AlwaysUnloadDLL" key is no more supported in Windows 2000 and later.
Possibly because there's no use for it, like I originally assumed...
Sorry, no further suggestions come to mind offhand.
XP does that with some DLLs, example with wbem dlls. But if you got a lot of programs in right click menu, those program shell extension dlls stays in memory. You don't even have to use those programs, just open file/folder RL menu and dlls are loaded to memory (explorer.exe).