XP 64 bit wanted

Does anyone have a link where I can download a legal 30 day trial of XP 64 bit for an intel system? :(

Tried a few MS links but they seem to go in circles with no download link being provided or I end up at a vista 64 bit download. :angry:

How about

XP PRO X64 Trial ?


There was a download link the other day but not anymore

Sorry to say Humpty I've had a look about too and I've come to the same frustrations as you.

I had found a non MS website, however the link it gave pointing to the download took me to the Microsoft Vista X64 page. Very frustrating! :angry:

Trial software

Previously, Microsoft had provided a fully functioning, 120 day, free trial of this operating system. The page that provided this trial has been replaced with one that promotes the benefits of the x64 editions of Windows Vista.


There was a download link the other day but not anymore

Yep, that's one of the sites that seems to go in circles with no link to download.

Thanks for your input Stryker.

Getting a tad shirty with MS here. :P

hmm I wonder If I still can download from my order .. BRB

Yep the download is still there. All you need is a trial key but they are no longer there :(

Thanks for trying Jeoff. :)