x64 version?


I use CCLeaner under Win7 64bit. But, CCleaner seems only a 32bit application.

Exist a native x64 version of CCLeaner?



Not yet.

Not yet.

I sure hope that they put out a X64 bit version of ccleaner. I also use Windows 7 X64 and have been looking for this software to come outin 64 bit. I wonder, are there any plans for it soon. 64 Bit has been around for several years now.



Yeah, but I don't really see an advantage. CCleaner is used sparingly for around maximum 10 times a day? It usually takes around 4 to 5 times every Clean. (or less)

Writing a new x64 code will add up to the bugs, etc. without making much of a difference.

Anyway, that's just me. I maybe wrong. Probably 32-bit cannot access some 64-bit files or something like that?

Probably 32-bit cannot access some 64-bit files or something like that?

I wonder what you mean by that...?

64-bit is all about memory addressing. With a 32-bit address you can only access memory that is within that range (0 - 4,294,967,295).

File limitations are determined by the file system, e.g. NTFS vs. FAT32.

Exist a native x64 version of CCLeaner?

64-bit makes sense for applications that use very large amounts of memory, e.g. graphics or video processing programs.

To create a 64-bit version of CCleaner would be purely for the fun of the developers; the users would not gain anything at all.

64-bit makes sense for applications that use very large amounts of memory, e.g. graphics or video processing programs.

To create a 64-bit version of CCleaner would be purely for the fun of the developers; the users would not gain anything at all.

That's what I meant. :)

I just wasn't too sure about the advantages of a 64-bit CCleaner. (I use Windows 7 64-bit myself.)

An x64 CCleaner would be much more effective in the Registry cleaning. Currently it can't access HKLM\Software, only HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node.

An x64 CCleaner would be much more effective in the Registry cleaning. Currently it can't access HKLM\Software, only HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node.

At any rate, I hope that there is a 64 bit soon, it is badly needed..Why this is being ignored is anyone's guess, but it is time to come into the world of 64 bit with this...

Have a great day..