Isn't it time that a 64 bit build was made for Ccleaner? We have been waiting for that for a long time now.
Thanks and have a good day...
Isn't it time that a 64 bit build was made for Ccleaner? We have been waiting for that for a long time now.
Thanks and have a good day...
I don't think that there is an urgent need for an x64 CCleaner version. For an application that runs for a few seconds every day (or week / month) and uses very little memory, I don't see any advantage of running it in 64-bit mode.
64 bit brings a lot to applications that use very large amounts of memory; CCleaner is not one of them.
I don't think that there is an urgent need for an x64 CCleaner version. For an application that runs for a few seconds every day (or week / month) and uses very little memory, I don't see any advantage of running it in 64-bit mode.
64 bit brings a lot to applications that use very large amounts of memory; CCleaner is not one of them.
I totally disagree with you. Many use Windows 7, Vista and XP x64 bit and there are advantages to using 64 bit or they would not have made it. If Piriform does not wish to make a X64 bit version of this software, all they need do is say so, simple as that., Those of us who desire X64 bit software, can move on to other software. But to deny us x64 bit because you personally do not see any benefit, is ridiculous and nonsense.
x64 software have access to the x64 part of the Registry - x86 running in x64 have not (that's how WoW64 works).
Please use the Search feature before posting a new topic.
Anyway, welcome to the forums
x64 Ccleaner will better intergrate x64 windows
The x64 build will be coming out in a few months time as CCv3
The x64 build will be coming out in a few months time as CCv3
Great !
The x64 build will be coming out in a few months time as CCv3
Version 3. Nice!