It's beginning to look as if it was never supported - but it's not as old as '97, which is included in the winapp.ini.
Elsewhere on the board is the suggestion that CC might not be able to work with Office 2000, thereby explaining its unique status of being ignored; but Office XP is included and, from what I understand, XP, at core, is merely 2000, with a couple of extra whistles and the occasional bell.
Should I feel moved, I'll experiment with the .ini files, but it's easier to fall back on ToniArts' EasyCleaner - it cleans out my Office 2000 backup files.
As for "moving with the times", while accepting that some things might have to change, in PC terms it usually means that one has to swap a clean, efficient tool for one with an interface full of pretty colours and magical effects, just because sales have dropped off, and the bean counters demand a "new" product - with fins.
(Or was that last year...? Maybe this time it should be "no fins"....)
Meanwhile, wherever you go in the world, fuel bowsers still fit the filling nozzles of the 30-year 747s that are still flying around.
It put Office 2000 in the list of applications, but running it wiped evrything that I didn't want to lose (all my settings, etc) but didn't wipe the one thing I was after - the backup copies of documents, etc.
No harm done, I have the Office settings backed up, and I can always set Word to not make backups. (Playing around has revealed that this has always been the case for Excel docs., for me, and I never realised this; so I obviously have never needed them!)