Wrong networking information?


After installing Speccy v1.25.674 on my Windows 7, I noticed it is reporting a couple of things which I know to be not true, whether it is a bug or not. First:

WinInet Info
	LAN Connection
	Local system uses a local area network to connect to the Internet
	Local system has RAS to connect to the Internet

In the third line, it says I have a RAS connection, which I am afraid I don't think so. Moving forward:

Sharing and Discovery
	Network Discovery                       Enabled
	File and Printer Sharing                Enabled
	File and printer sharing service        Enabled
	Simple File Sharing                     Enabled
	Administrative Shares                   Enabled
	Network access: Sharing and security
	model for local accounts                Classic - local users authenticate as themselves

In the fourth line, it says I have "Simple Fire Sharing" enabled, which I beg to differ. Simple File Sharing was discontinued in Windows 7 in favor of HomeGroup. Not surprisingly, the last line in the report contradicts with Simple File Sharing assertion and says my network model is classic and users authenticate as themselves. (In Simple File Sharing mode, they authenticate as Guest.)

Best regards,

Codename Lisa