When I see Speccy 104.173 Summary Page it shows my SATA drive as IDE
My HP OfficeJet 6000 Printer is not seen either. I also agree
with others that a text file output is a good medium.
When I see Speccy 104.173 Summary Page it shows my SATA drive as IDE
My HP OfficeJet 6000 Printer is not seen either. I also agree
with others that a text file output is a good medium.
I've PMd this user to get some more info
Thanks, this is really useful.
Same issue here. I just downloaded and installed the latest version (1.05.183). I'm running Windows 7 UE 32bit, and I have three 3,5" HDs, two of which are SATA and one IDE. All are identified as being IDE. Also, in the detailed info, the only IDE HD is shown to be a 2,5" drive, and on one of the SATA HDs the form factor isn't shown at all.
The IDE drive is the system drive, if it matters.
Snapshot included.HDinfo.txt
Me too. My Western Digital WDC WD1600JS-75NCB3 SATA 3.5" shows up as IDE 2.5". I hope for Piriform's sake that there's s better way of finding this info than trawling through WD's incomprehensible coding.
Similar problem - http://speccy.piriform.com/results/L2uXdzRNBzmBtnV33r2ius9
Reports the drive model numbers, the fact that all drives are PATA and other info nicely, but somehow Speccy is confused about the drive size. It says the WD's are 2.5" and they are actually 3.5"
Still, just being able to pull the model and serial numbers off the drives that easily is pretty sweet. I love the real time temp reports in Speccy too.
Good work guys!