Writing new files while defragmenting

Should the defrag process be started all over again after e.g. writing a 10 mb file to the partition? It never really occured to me how Defraggler (or any other defragmentater software) handles spaces that were free when analyzing but later on had data on them after the user wrote new stuff to the partition (and thus filling empty clusters).

Given that its only 10mb; it really won't make much of a difference. Lots of software, particularly anti-virus software is constantly scraping your drive when defragmenting and Windows is constantly reading and writing data on your drive. Keeping your drive in the same state for an entire defragmentation is basically impossible. The best thing you can do it run defraggler frequently and just hope that it consolidates the files that it missed previously.

You could also try to boot in safe mode, I'm not sure how well defraggler will perform under those conditions though...

Thanks, but this wasn't a problem but just a generic question :).

But I'd be interested to know what exactly would Defraggler do if e.g. you had a 1GB file that had been splitted into 2 fragments, both being say 500MB equally. Now the two files would have a 30MB gap between each other and during the Analysis that gap was just continuous free space but during the Derfrag some file was written to fill the gap between the two fragments.

What would Defraggler do and how would it inform the user through the GUI?

ps. If you disable all the 'unnecessary' auto update stuff, Search Indexing, e.g. it is not so hard to have a 'solid state' for your data in your partition. In my case I virtually every time have to do something myself (delete or write new data) to have the need of defragging my Win 7 owned NTFS partition two times in a row.

I've not heard of anyone in the habit of using their computer whilst defragging. It seems to me the Defraggler program has enough of a challenge already without confusing it with conflicting operations. You're asking a hypothetical question that I would guess nobody is prepared to consider. (Somebody please present better information here.)

I remember on an earlier pc (98SE to be exact) if I did any other work whilst defragging with MS Defrag the defrag operation would suspend until I was finished doing the alternate work, and then restart from the beginning.

I take it Defraggler would skip the 2 fragments in my situation. If that's the answer, no more needs to be said :).

I've not heard of anyone in the habit of using their computer whilst defragging.

Now you have :).

Nice hat btw.