Writing into the MFTZone buffer


I have downloaded version 1.20 today. By reading the changelog I have known that Defraggler won't move files inside the MFTZone anymore. I would like this to be optional. Moving files inside the MFT Zone proved quite useful to me, to force relocation of said MFTZone. I tend to pad my MTF so there is always 25-50% free space, so it doesn't get fragmented easily.

This is the batch file I use for padding MFT: (Copied from somewhere else).

@echo off

set /p input="Enter Size of desired MFT padding in KB: "


md mft

cd mft

set /a fc=1

set /a n=1

call :mkdir


echo. > %n%

set /a percent=%n%*100/%input%


echo %percent%%% Complete

if %n%==%input% goto :end

set /a n+=1

set /a c+=1

if %c%==50000 call :mkdir

goto :s


cd %~dp0

md mft%fc%

cd mft%fc%

set /a fc+=1

set /a c=0

goto :eof


cd %~dp0


for /D %%a in (%~dp0\mft*) do rd /s /q %%a

Would it be possible for future versions to include an option to write into MFTZone. Is it really that dangerous to do so?

I guess not, as XP is the last Windows Op Sys to use an MFT zone. In NTFS under Vista, and presumably Win7 too, the MFT is designed to be fragmented in (I think) 200 mb chunks. Microsoft says that users won't notice one or two fragments, and they're probably correct.

The MFT Zone is probably the fruit of a very keen developer's mind, a clever solution to a problem that wasn't really there in the first place.

I think you are right. Having the MFT fragmented in a few big chunks won't probably affect performance that much.