I have downloaded version 1.20 today. By reading the changelog I have known that Defraggler won't move files inside the MFTZone anymore. I would like this to be optional. Moving files inside the MFT Zone proved quite useful to me, to force relocation of said MFTZone. I tend to pad my MTF so there is always 25-50% free space, so it doesn't get fragmented easily.
This is the batch file I use for padding MFT: (Copied from somewhere else).
@echo offset /p input="Enter Size of desired MFT padding in KB: "
md mft
cd mft
set /a fc=1
set /a n=1
call :mkdir
echo. > %n%
set /a percent=%n%*100/%input%
echo %percent%%% Complete
if %n%==%input% goto :end
set /a n+=1
set /a c+=1
if %c%==50000 call :mkdir
goto :s
cd %~dp0
md mft%fc%
cd mft%fc%
set /a fc+=1
set /a c=0
goto :eof
cd %~dp0
for /D %%a in (%~dp0\mft*) do rd /s /q %%a
Would it be possible for future versions to include an option to write into MFTZone. Is it really that dangerous to do so?