Writely is basically an online word processor that is completely free. It used to be by invite only but google is ready to let everyone have a turn.(I believe they just recently bought it) ![:D]()
Whats pretty cool is you can save your docs on the web and access them from anywhere. I guess its just one more push towards getting your apps off your computer and on to the web. It loads really fast and has pretty good features but I just can't get used to the fact that its in a browser. If it had some kind of special viewer/browser that just added to the experience then it would be perfect. But for now I'll just use openoffice or abiword. ![:D]()
Its worth trying it out once just to see what its like.
do you know how much space they give for storage?
To be honest I don't see anywhere with a storage limit. Its owned by google so I'm sure its enough for most people.![:D]()
You can of course download your documents as .doc/.pdf/ and maybe .odf(openoffice). You can for sure open/edit openoffice files but I'm not sure if it will save to them.
You can even attach a file to an email and then use the special address you get when you sign up and email that document to writely. Not sure why you would do it that way instead of just straight up uploading it but you can do it.
(edit: Maybe so other people can send you file? Idk.)
Yeah, they recently bought it.
Writely is an Ajax application (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).
Google also has a Ajax spreadsheet web application.
What is good with this web applications is that they need no installation, can be used anywhere on any place with an Internet connection and a web browser that can handle Ajax (Firefox can, I think most other can too).
And then can access the documents easily by logging into your Google account.
But stroring data some companies (in this case Google) might be a good idea. I like MY files in MY computer. ![:D]()
OpenOffice.org rocks though.
meh. i got rid of OpenOffice yesterday because i found out that AbiWord can open OpenDocument files. but when i tried opening one of more, i found out that it can't load the images from it. so i had to use writely to convert it to .doc so that both Office 12 and AbiWord could load them.
as we speak im re-dl'ing open office, cuz i reformattted. I like open office, i might check out writely, i'm growing suspicious of google.
The only reason I use openoffice(well staroffice) is for powerpoint. And I only use that once in a blue moon. I like abiword so much better then openoffice's writer component. Its every bit as good if not better then word/word perfect.
The only issue I have with abiword is that it has its own file format aside from .doc/.odf. I usually remember to save from something else but every once in a while I'll save a file and put in on my thumb drive but then I can't open it anywhere else . ![:(]()
Of course now I just use portable abiword.
Its the commercial version of openoffice. The difference is that it includes templates,clipart, presentation backgrounds, ect. All the things that kind of make openoffice less user friendly.