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Certified ScamFree Site.
Email Processors required.
Earn $5 for every email you process + bonus pays.
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We require a one time non refundable registration fee of $10. This fee covers your
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To register now select your payment option below. Once you have made your
payment return to this page and fill in the registration form below . I was born at night, but it wasn't last night!!!
Thank God I came ready for this...
This is what happens to the creators of spam bots...
May God Save You From Thy Wrath...
Certified scam free by who?
duh, you've never heard of Scam Free Zone?
It says on that sight that they certified them.
Page looks great on firefox
Sequel: return of the bot after he got straight.
Lets start a show about that.
Btw, did you see there "Seal of Approval" for Gods sakes it looks terrible...
In hindsight, that site should have had more forsight in this matter.
Nuke the spam bot.