Hi - been trying to keep recent docs in word but cannot figure out what to uncheck on ccleaner to do it. I unchecked the "recent documents" box under Windows explorer but that did not help. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Just uncheck the Office 2010 or any other Office in the Applications, Applications tab, this is working for me.
Is this the only MS Word setting that you want to keep ? Are you OK with that CC wipes other Word settings as well ? Because you can finetune what Word (or for that matter any other program) settings are wiped by CC. If you're interested in finetuning what CC wipes then at least tell me what version of MS Word you use.
MS Office keeps a separate list of recently openeed documents and that's stored in a special location.
Thank you both - MS Office Word 2007. I do not think there is anything else that I would want to keep besides the recently viewed docs.
I did uncheck Office in applications, but guess that that is leaving lots of other junk I do not need, so prob better to fine tune!
Thanks again
Here's how you finetune the CC wiping: CC uses an embedded script that tells the program where to wipe what. Starting in version 3.05 or 3.06 those scripts can be extracted from the program. More details can be found in the online CC documentation on how to tweak/modify the CC wiping process.
1. Open the Windows program called "MS-DOS prompt" and go to the folder in which CC has been installed. I hope you how to to that. Because this is a trick only known to those who have some/good knowledge of MS-DOS and Windows. Type "Ccleaner.exe /export ." The dot is important !!! Then CC will place three extra files in that folder, and one of them is called "Winapp.ini".
2. Open that file with a texteditor. Save the file under the name ""Winapp1.ini". Move the set of lines under the header "[Office 2007]" (including the header) to a new text file called "Winapp2.ini". In that latest file there's a line called "Filekey=.......". Now put in front of the word "Filekey" a ";" character and save the file again. Place all Winapp.ini files in the very same folder where CC was installed. Then there should be that same box called ""Office 2007"" but it shouldn't wipe those names any more.
I need to add something to my previous post.
1. After modifying both Winapp1.ini and Winapp2.ini both files need to saved in the very same folder in which CC has been installed for this finetuning to work.
2. There's a second possibility to let CC not wipe that ""Recent files"" info. Just add the line
or add, when you use Windows XP (like I do),
C:\Documents and Settings\Eigenaar\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\|*.*
to the ""Exclude"" section in CC. (I don't know what the precise path should be in Vista or Win 7).When all is OK then the files in this particular folder shouldn't be listed anymore by CC after you hit ""Analyze"".
EDIT: Corrected some small errors.
I need to add something to my previous post.
1. After modifying both Winapp1.ini and Winapp2.ini both files need to saved in the very same folder in which CC has been installed for this finetuning to work.
2. There's a second possibility to let CC not wipe that ""Recent files"" info. Just add the line
or add, when you use Windows XP (like I do),
C:\Documents and Settings\Eigenaar\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\|*.*
to the ""Exclude"" section in CC. (I don't know what the precise path should be in Vista or Win 7).When all is OK then the files in this particular folder shouldn't be listed anymore by CC after you hit ""Analyze"".
EDIT: Corrected some small errors.
Sorry to bother you, but this does not seem to work, at least in my case. The list of recent Word 2007 documents can be found (windows 7, 64 bit) in the folder c:\users\robert\appdata\roaming\microsoft\office\recent, so I added this folder to the Exclude option of ccleaner; but the execution of ccleaner always clears the folder. Anything elese I can try?
I think I made a (small but important) mistake (again). Remove the character ""\"" right behind ""recent"" (see previous post(s)) and then it could work.
I think I made a (small but important) mistake (again). Remove the character ""\"" right behind ""recent"" (see previous post(s)) and then it could work.
Thanks Willi2, but definitely there is something veeeeery unclear.
I removed the \, as suggested (using manual edit), but the \ disappears in the folder name in the exclude section ("files and folders to exclude"), but remains in the name "exclude drive or folder" in the "add panel" popping out whenn you double click on the name: BUT the name here is c:\....\microsoft\, without "recent", and in addition, in the "file type" box, "recent" is displayed, which does not make any sense.
So I tried to edit the name inserting (like in your example) "c:\.....\microsoft\recent|*.*". Nothing much seems to change; the name in the "add panel" remains the same (ending in \microsoft\) and in the file type box "recent|*.*" appears.
In any case, running ccleaner, the directory contents is wiped out.
I believe I am really missing something elementary, because the lolgic seems straighforward: exclude THAT folder from the clean process. So, why is this so difficult for me?
PS I forgot: the folder is NEVER listed in the analyze list (and in the deleted list).