I've had CCleaner running on my machine for a while and never had any difficulties.
I attempted to move the program from my C: drive to another drive and now cannot get it to run. I have completely uninstalled the program, cleaned out leftover registry entries, redownloaded the program from the internet and still it won't load. It always hangs up when it reaches the "Registering: K:\UTILS\CCleaner\CCSystem.dll" point.
I can't help with the CCleaner problem, but would just like to state, if you dont mind, that you should really have upgraded to Windows XP SP2 by now, it is only a matter of time before microsoft stops providing updates for people who have not updated to SP2.
I can't help with the CCleaner problem, but would just like to state, if you dont mind, that you should really have upgraded to Windows XP SP2 by now, it is only a matter of time before microsoft stops providing updates for people who have not updated to SP2.
Yes, you're right, I should and I will. I use this machine almost exclusively for audio recording and SP2 hasn't played as well with some audio programs that utilize ASIO drivers and VST plugins, etc. I suppose I am just stubbornly resistant to forced submission. But, alas, I am once again forced into my rightful, lowly place as end user-consumer by the mega MIcrosoft monster.
Sorry for the banter ---
I WAS able to coax CCleaner into loading properly again on my system. --Not sure how, but it is and I will ask no futher questions.
By the way, for what it's worth I am happy with CCleaner. It's a great little program!
I would not exactly say that windows updates are forced submissions, as much as they are critical in the sense that vast amounts of money is spent on ensuring that windows is as flaw free as people would expect, and the updates are there for the taking.
Being that the updates are there for the taking, why not take advantage, if you bought a car and the manfacturer realised that something else should have been fitted, you would quite happily take it back to have that extra bit fitted wouldn't you.
It is quite often security techs that find the flaws not microsoft staff, yet microsoft are expected to fix these flaws, and this they do.
What other software manufacturer provides as many fixes as microsoft does, I know microsoft is quite often slated, especially by computer geeks who have managed to master other means of software, thus allowing them to break several ties with microsoft products, or maybe all ties with microsoft products, but microsoft have only got where they are due to the determination of Bill Gates.
Maybe one day Bill Gates will finally come to accept that his products are used by the majority of the world and realise that the income he is generating could allow for future versions of his products to be released at a lower cost to the end user.
Sorry for my banter, I get carried away sometimes.
Gates no longer cares as he is only the chairperson. Steve Ballmer, who is seemingly twice as dastardly [and blind] as Gates, is the current dictat--I mean CEO.