Authorities are considering charges in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years -- so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time the boyfriend finally called police.
Authorities are considering charges in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years -- so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time the boyfriend finally called police.
Authorities are considering charges in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years -- so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time the boyfriend finally called police.
I read that yesterday. Of course they are thinking of charging the boyfriend he is male so he is automatically responsible for the stupid bimbo's actions.
Just another news story to make the mid-west of the U.S. sound like it's devolving.
I wonder where he went for those two years?
I wonder where he went for those two years?
My guess is that there were two bathrooms --- but geez, after a day??? Wow, I think they both have problems. I too heard this yesterday on the news....her skin grew onto the toilet gross....
I wonder where he went for those two years?
...her skin grew onto the toilet gross....
I find that part of the story very hard to believe. When you really think about it how is that possible? She would have had to been seated constantly. How did she sleep, eat, bath, etc? I don't think it's physically possible to remain seated for two straight years.
What do these retard cops plan on charging the guy with? What crime did he commit? There are no claims of forcible confinement or torture or abuse. She remained in the bathroom on her own moronic free will. He called the police and when they came she didn't want to leave. Oh I know they can charge him with being a male and breathing. That will get you charged every day and twice on Sunday if the woman wants it.
It is a bit hard to get your head around. Two years is a hell of a long time.
After her two year stint, the guys probably praying they don't throw him in the can.
I find that part of the story very hard to believe. When you really think about it how is that possible? She would have had to been seated constantly. How did she sleep, eat, bath, etc? I don't think it's physically possible to remain seated for two straight years.
I think it is, because she really didn't move. You can sleep sitting, it isn't easy, but once you get used to it, it isn't hard. Her boyfriend brought her food and water. I don't know if she bathed at all. supposedly, her legs had atrophy (right word??), the thing where your muscles become mush more or less.
What do these retard cops plan on charging the guy with? What crime did he commit? There are no claims of forcible confinement or torture or abuse. She remained in the bathroom on her own moronic free will. He called the police and when they came she didn't want to leave. Oh I know they can charge him with being a male and breathing. That will get you charged every day and twice on Sunday if the woman wants it.
I heard she was a little disoriented...but that could mean anything. The skin grafting is true, because the paramedics had to remove the toilet seat, and then remove it in whole at the hospital. Ahhhh....ewwww..what a gross thought.....*shivers up and down spine.*
After her two year stint, the guys probably praying they don't throw him in the can.
For what though. No doubt that is one dysfunctional relationship but what was the crime? It's not illegal to be morons. She did this to her self. If they charge this guy based on what I have read it would be ridiculous and I hope he sues them big time.
Lost in translation.
Where I'm from you can be thrown in the "can" (prison), or you can be sitting on the "can" (no explanation needed).
I wouldn't like to be thrown in the wrong one.
Lost in translation.
Where I'm from you can be thrown in the "can" (prison), or you can be sitting on the "can" (no explanation needed).
I wouldn't like to be thrown in the wrong one.
Ha ha
They are considering charges for this guy though.
Lost in translation.
Where I'm from you can be thrown in the "can" (prison), or you can be sitting on the "can" (no explanation needed).
I understood you the first time.
I wouldn't like to be thrown in the wrong one.
I wouldn't want to be thrown in either can.