WMV to DVD(photostory)

Anyone know a program that can burn a wmv file directly to a dvd and have it play on a dvd player?

I made a slide show for my sister using photostory with pics from a recent vacation but I cant burn it to a disc because the program saves everything in WMV. I converted it to AVI and it looks like crap so now I need a program or suggestion to get it on a disc without loosing quality.

AVS Video Tools (commercial software, not freeware)

Google search for: wmv to dvd lossless conversion

Have you used that AVS program before? At this point I'm so annoyed that I dont care what I have to pay to get it to work.

I used this to convert it to avi once already and it looked horrible(stoik video converter?):


I've never used it and basically don't know jack about video editing on a PC. I just remembered seeing that AVS program from awhile back when downloading the freeware AVS Disc Creator. I'd think you can use it as a trial.

You may want to check out a video forum.

I use cyberlink's power producer gold which ( fortunately for me) came bundled with the computer. I just import the photos, make a slide show with effects and audio then press burn to dvd.

So I can recommend this but I'm sure it will cost.

Sonic's mydvd and ulead also do this.

I'm pretty sure DVD players (not VCD) can play *.wmv's, you have to encrypt it first.

My friend uses DVDSanta, check it out.

I'm pretty sure DVD players (not VCD) can play *.wmv's, you have to encrypt it first.

Since when?