wmi provider host usage 30% cpu


when i run speccy, WMI provider host in task manager occupies 30% cpu

but in debug mode i disable process network data and then wmi don't usage cpu

this is a bug ? or windows 8.1 had problem ?

sorry for bad english

The problem with the wmi provider host is due to the unusual behavior of this service not able to following the pattern it is supposed to. This issue can be fixed by simpy doing a malware scan. [Removed by moderation]

You gave an answer to a topic nearly three years old. Your link was removed, and this topic is closed.

also, the web site in that link offered one of those 'pc repair' programs that when clicked on, MBAM blocked as suspected malware.

That's why I removed the link mta, it was a whole article then the "solution" was that supposed program which seemed spammy to me, hence the URL link removal.