WLM 8.0 is out!

gday all,

the full blown version of Windows Live Messenger 8.0 is out and ready to be used. if you are interested then you can download it from the link below,


have fun! :D

Official download page: http://join.msn.com/messenger/overviewXP

i got 7.5 version from the msn site.

you will no longer get the the v8.0 from the msn site. its changed its name to windows live messenger. it is not msn messenger 8.0.

i understand that. but when i hit download on the msn site, i got messenger 7,5, but i got the 8 version from hippo............

MSN Messenger is a funny piece of software. It somehow keeps on getting worse and worse for every new version. Amazing!

MSN Messenger is a funny piece of software. It somehow keeps on getting worse and worse for every new version. Amazing!

Just the opposite with WLM, it got a lot better. I beta tested it since the start and it has changed a great deal.

Link to a topic about the older betas.

Oh, thought WLM was MSN renamed...

Oh, thought WLM was MSN renamed...

Technically, WLM is MSN8; they just changed a LOT of things in the program.

They did change a lot. I love this one. I have been using this since the first beta as well, and I love it. :) It's my favortie Messenger.

I only use AIM, Yahoo, WLM, and Trillian. :P Out of all of them I like WLM the most.

They did change a lot. I love this one. I have been using this since the first beta as well, and I love it. :) It's my favortie Messenger.

I only use AIM, Yahoo, WLM, and Trillian. :P Out of all of them I like WLM the most.

I find it rather silly to use 3-4 different instant messengers. Especially since they tend to be big and bloaty. A better idea would be to just use one multi-protocol messenger such as Miranda IM, Gaim, Trillian, etc.

those multi-protocol messengers may not have those features that the user would like to use.

i stick with my trillian.

I find it rather silly to use 3-4 different instant messengers. Especially since they tend to be big and bloaty. A better idea would be to just use one multi-protocol messenger such as Miranda IM, Gaim, Trillian, etc.

I do have Trillian. But like PS3 said, Triallian doesn't have any features and I use all of the features. Also, the programs are bloated, but I am using less than 30% of my disk space so it doesn't hurt me to use that actual versions. ;)

i dont trust msn, or w/e the hell they are calling it these days, and i will stick with trillian, i dont need the extra features or any of those bells and whistles. I feel that sticking with this third party is better in the long run. ( I might sound like im attacking your post krit86lr but im not lol)

I feel that sticking with this third party. ( I might sound like im attacking your post krit86lr but im not lol)

No, not all. That's your opinion. :D

i stick with my trillian.

thats ok. you can use what you wish. whatever suits the individual, then its more likely that program will be used. i thought it would be good to tell those excited msn messenger users that a new version is out and ready to be downloaded.

i dont trust msn, or w/e the hell they are calling it these days, and i will stick with trillian, i dont need the extra features or any of those bells and whistles. I feel that sticking with this third party is better in the long run. ( I might sound like im attacking your post krit86lr but im not lol)

I agree with you. For me it is Miranda IM though.