Wish Piriform made these!

Windows 7 is a great OS, no doubt, but it makes me hate it sometimes.

Just like CCleaner is superior to MS Diskcleaner, & Defraggler is superior to MS defrag, I wish Piriform made these programs:

- Search replacement -> Replace windows 7 search with an XP style search (easy to search external/flash drives, etc), but allow 7 themes.

- Image Viewer replacement -> Support animated GIF + smooth images when enlarged

Nice dream for me, but I would love it!


I think I could love 7 if that came true!

There's a new program called Everything that indexes drives SUPER fast. Take a look at it.Everything site


There's a new program called Everything that indexes drives SUPER fast.

How fast? :lol:

An excellent search engine, I use it exclusively. But it's not new, CT. :)

Everything uses MFT hence much faster.

FAT32 has no MFT so Everything ignores it.

There's a new program called Everything that indexes drives SUPER fast. Take a look at it.Everything site


I have known about everything a long time. I have it as well as Locate32, & about 200 other ones.

Trouble is, I don't know any that will replace Windows default search.

In Windows 7, for example, if you search for OSK (onscreen Keyboard) in your currently open window, it will not show up (at least not till you change your index search settings, & it may not then, either!)

But if you start typing in the start menu search box, it will show up!

Everything is good & all, but can we get something to replace the "search" engine in 7? I am tired of having to feel like I have "two" search boxes to search to find some items, and I am tired of not being able to filter by size/date/name etc, unless you learn a ton of commands to issue search.

I am also tired of trying to use 3rd party tools. I want something that offers to replace 7 search, then offers user ability to search specific drives for specific content on specific dates, etc. Kind of like XP does. But with the same modern skin & look as it has in 7 on aero.

Thank you, guys!

Agent Ransack is a free 'search' assistant that some people use as the Win 7 one is so useless.

I personally have been using Everything for a while, I think it was mentioned on the old school freeware thread.