Wipe Free Space



In the latest version, 2.29.1111, Dutch version, The "Wipe Free Space" doesn't work. (See the attachment)

Does anyone have the same problem?

Sincerely, Andr?.

Hi Andr?, welcome to the forums :)

Do you have the drives that you want to wipe checked under Options / Settings / 'Wipe Free Space drives' ?

Does anyone have the same problem?

Possibly. Have you read Spiff's post here http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=27038&hl= ?


Thanks for welcoming me.

I think that I did it right (attachment) but in the past I had troubles with wiping the MFT Free Space, had to reinstall my XP software. Since ... I do not touch the MFT-space anymore.

Sincerely, Andr?.


Hi Andr?/ Andretti,

In your attached screen-print I see you have "Wipe MFT Free Space" ("MTF Vrije Ruimte wissen") unchecked.

I suppose you stumbled upon the same problem as I did:

In CCleaner v2.29.1111 "Wipe Free Space" will not run unless "Wipe MFT Free Space" is checked.

See my post:

"Wipe Free Space" will not run unless "Wipe MFT Free Space" is checked.

I suppose it's a bug in CCleaner v2.29.1111.

By the way,

I see you have Secure Deletion (veilige opschoning) set for Normal file deletion (Normale bestandsopschoning).

I wonder if that has any use.

With "Wipe Free Space" (Wis vrije ruimte) you want to overwrite files that have already been deleted and are marked as free space. Trying to overwrite free space without Secure Deletion with at least Simple Overwrite (1 pass) won't have any use.


I see you have Secure Deletion (veilige opschoning) set for Normal file deletion (Normale bestandsopschoning).

I wonder if that has any use.

With "Wipe Free Space" (Wis vrije ruimte) you want to overwrite files that have already been deleted and are marked as free space. Trying to overwrite free space without Secure Deletion with at least Simple Overwrite (1 pass) won't have any use.

wipe free space is defaulted to 1 pass and can not be changed

wipe free space is defaulted to 1 pass and can not be changed

Ah, thanks, Ident.

I stand corrected.

So there is no option in CCleaner to Wipe Free Space with more than 1 pass?

I suppose if I ever need such an option, I'll use the Acronis True Image options for advanced free drive space wiping, or such options in Eraser or in File Shredder.


Do you really ever need to use more then 1 pass?

Do you really ever need to use more then 1 pass?

Well, when does one ever need to wipe free space, anyhow?

And when does one need to use more than one pass?

Depending on what's on one's drives, it could be advisable to thoroughly wipe free space when other people have access to those drives. Particularly when you sell a used computer you might want to clean up all personal files and also thoroughly wipe free space to make sure there are no leftovers to be found. Whether 1 pass will be enough or whether there is need for a more advanced wiping method, that's depending on what information was on that computer and depending on how anxious you are about someone using advanced technologies to recover deleted data.

When I would sell my computer, I would feel safer if I used some program for advanced wiping. Makes you wonder about what secrets I must harbor on my PC. ;)

Okay, but we're getting off topic, I suppose.

The issue seems to be that in CCleaner v2.29.1111 "Wipe Free Space" will not run unless "Wipe MFT Free Space" is checked.


In general use i would never bother with WFS, but if i was selling my pc i wouldnt use ccleaner or eraser.

I'd DBAN it

Yeah, DBAN is okay, of course,

but it also gets rid of the OS.

In case there's no disc for reinstalling OEM Windows, getting rid of the OS would be a pity if the next user would've liked to use that OEM Windows installation.

It's the only reason I can think of not to use something like DBAN but some advanced cleaning and wiping.

But when one can provide a Windows disc, using DBAN would be preferable to wiping, you're right.


Thanks to you all,

I think it is better now to re-download the older version. I didn't find it yet. Don't worry, if it's there, i'll find it.

Grtz, Andr?.


Just installed the 2.27 version from the January-newsletter, it's runnung now (attachment).

Thanks to all of you, Andr?.


Hi Andr?,

I'm glad you found the CCleaner v2.27 download and that you're happy with that version.

(By the way, you can always find previous versions at http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner)

Nevertheless, the problem that in CCleaner v2.29.1111 "Wipe Free Space" will not run unless "Wipe MFT Free Space" is checked should preferably be corrected in the next version.
