I notice that the Wipe Free Space option takes considerably less time than some other software, like File shredder -- much less time. This can't just be due to better code. Can you comment on this?
Does it wipe according to the number of passes we set in options?
I just downloaded CCleaner and have so many corrupt files. IF I chose Wipe Free Space, will that actually delete any files in my reg or other valuable files? I have been writing a book for over 8 years and lost the backup file. I used Recuva and tried to recover the files, however, they are now corrupt. I cannot find my book and want to clean up all of the Free Space, however, a bit nervous about doing that. I do not want to create more problems on my computer. Any suggestions? Thank you ~
I cannot see any advantage you would get from running Wipe Free Space, or even any point at all. It just seems like looking for trouble. Don't touch it with a barge pole.
What file type is your book (doc, etc)? How did you 'lose' it, by sending it to the recycler or some other way? Have you put the recovered files (no matter how corrupt they are) in a safe place? On the same drive? How large are they? Have you run a Recuva deep scan?