Wipe Free Space + MTF


I just installed CCleaner to my laptop and then i found this interesting thing on it, i'm quite curious about this Wipe Free Space + MTF option, if i understood correctly what it does, will it leave all my files untouched and only removes previously removed files history in my external hard drive history, so there will not be any files in my HD's MTF anymore after running this tool? Will it leave all my files untouched and only removes MTF history on it?

Thanx for the help guys!!

PS: Is there any tools available which removes my MTF history on my HD's but leaves my files untouched?

It's MFT for "Master File Table," not MTF.

Wipe Free Space won't delete any of your files, however it's know on some computers to cause all System Restore Points to be lost.

More reading about it here from the official docs site:

* Wipe Free Space

* MFT - explained at the bottom of the page