Most excellent folks at Piriform,
I'm a long time user and sheepishly admit to only now having finally gotten around to "contributing" via PayPal. Go have a pint or two on me then get back to work on your excellent products!
I was recently watching my computer stats as CCleaner went through it's "wipe free space" and "wipe MFT" process. Based on the comparatively slow rate at which free space is consumed, it appears to me that CCleaner is grabbing bits of disk space then wiping it and moving on to the next until all free space is "owned." The space is then released and MFT wipe started.
I'm concerned that the current wipe approach may not be effective using Solid-State-Drives (SSDs) such as I use in my computer. This because a write to a new sector may, in fact, cause the Flash Controller in the SSD to simply remap a fresh sector to the new write request. Thus, the old sector would remain in the "free list" of sectors in the SSD Flash Controller.
If I am correct, the actual sectors wiped would vary depending on how the SSD Flash Controller allocates sectors. If it always allocated from the head of the list, then the current wipe process would eventually get them all. Unfortunately, I believe most Flash Controllers use a more sophisticated allocation scheme involving least-written determination. If this is true, then the actual sectors written would be unique to any individual SSD and very hard to predict.
It would seem a better way to perform wipe on SSDs would be to grab up all the free space so there is no "free list" of unused sectors then perform the wipe of free space and the MFT. Since most SSDs maintain some "spare" sectors, there may need to be some additional thinking put into this.
I'm no expert in these matters, and I could certainly be wrong. If I am correct, then my concerns would apply to Compact Flash cards, thumb drives, and so forth as well as SSDs.
Bottom Line: Does CCleaner reliably wipe SSDs and other devices with sector remapping performed by a Flash Controller?
Thanks for the great products and your attention to this post!