Wipe Free Space Drives

Wipe Free Space Drives Documentation Missing from FAQ, Documentation and Tour. Granted it's a new function although it would be useful to have some background help with the function.

On my WinXP SP3 system, I could not verify that the function actually ran. I don't know if it is supposed to run when CCleaner runs or if it's a separate function that can be run standalone. There appears to be nothing more than a checkbox for the drive whose free space is to be wiped. With that C:\ box checked and with admin rights, I run the CCleaner Analyzer option and it does not indicate it will do any more than its normal cleaning. There is no indication a free space wipe will occur. When Run Cleaner is begun, it takes the normal time (10 seconds) and reports the normal cleaning results but no results relating to a free space wipe. The only conclusion I can make is that free space wipe isn't functioning. However, that doesn't explain the windows errors another user reported when using the CCleaner free space wipe. So, what am I doing wrong?

I installed version 2.17.853 on top of the previous version 2.16. My reference point with free space wiping is Eraser which pops an "are your sure" warning before starting, allows several levels of wipe and reports back after a usually lengthy (hour) free space wipe. I don't see any of that with the free space wipe in CCleaner. I must be missing something key to the function and would appreciate some feedback.

Did you check Cleaner > Advanced > Wipe Free Space?

Not that I recommend it. This is a new feature, and a bug could be very destructive. Let's get some reports back from other brave souls.

Indeed! The necessary checkbox is located at: Cleaner > Advanced > Wipe Free Space. The documentation has since been updated to reflect this and is located at: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner/using-cc...free-disk-space which describes not only this checkbox to activate the feature but another located under Settings to select the drive which will be subject to the free space wipe.

I ageee that we would like to see some brave souls run this option on some test systems before we jump in and test on our production systems. I don't have the luxury of an extra computer so I'll wait patiently for others to post.