When you "delete" a file it is only deleted from Windows, not the hard disk itself. Basically Windows is told to forget that the file exists and marks it's previous space as free.
This function wipes over anything and everything that might still be hanging around in the free space. This would be a good way of permanently removing files you don't want other eyes to see
I used Wipe Free just now, worked Super Well ! Here are the details:
I have an oldish Pentium 4 with CPU at 2.93 Ghz and a RAM of 1 Go.
Wipe free was used on a 10 Go partition ( which is NOT the C:\ partition where Windows et al, ruminate...) of which only 700 Mo were used: it contains all my personal files , mainly Open Office types, and supports constant trafic every day. Before Wiping I defragmented .
Results: Wipe free cleaned in 7 minutes !
It DID NOTHING to my restore points in Windows
Anybody did it on a c;\ partition with Windows in it ?
Please add a command line option to enable wipe free space
wiping free space is slow enough on big drives that I would prefer to run it from the task scheduler at night while not running it during normal times.