Wipe Free Space deleting Linux partition

Hi, guys my questions are those:

Is "wipe free space" function tested on dual boot systems?

My Linux box is just not starting after using "the wiper", what I am thinking that might be "wipe free space" just took both linux partitions for free space and wipe them out, am I right? If so isn't it good idea be showen in the warning message that apears when you select it?

And some tech. spec.:

Windows 7 Ultimate x86 EN

Linux Backtrack v.4

CCleaner v.2.34.1200


Stoyan Bukovich

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Windows shouldn't even be able to detect an ext3 partition, let alone right to it. Maybe it over-wrote the GRUB bootloader (I think thats what Backtrack uses,righT?)? Have you tried restoring it?

Yeah you are right its GRUB loader and its still there and functional except nothing loading after you make selection. And you can see EXT3 part in win 7 run > diskmgmt.msc


Stoyan Bukovich