Wipe Free Space BUG

When I Run the wipe free space it'll only shred C and D deleted files. but I have 5 hard Drives! and in the(or "at" i dont know) settings there are only C and D to add or Remove! How can I Shred Free Spaces(Deleted files) in the other drives?!

Windows 7

The Latest Version of CCleaner


Go to Options in CCleaner, then you see Settings, click it, it should show you behavioral settings in CCleaner, scroll down and you can see checkboxes for the drives you want the Wipe Free space operation to execute. Just check the drives you want wipe free space to run on although this will take a lot of time if you have all of them checked. Look at the screenshot.

If the other hard drives are easy to navigate anyway, you can browse through them and delete unwanted files manually.

Its a Bug I think and you have to fix it. Only 3 First Drives Shown in all computers!

Its a Bug I think and you have to fix it. Only 3 First Drives Shown in all computers!

If the other hard drives are external hard drives, then CCleaner can't clean them with the wipe free space option.

No They ARE NOT! They are Internal hard drives. and it happen in all PCs.

Well I don't think CCleaner can use wipe free space on shared hard drives.