WinXP CC 418

I've always downloaded Slim version for my WinXP. Today I tried to download the 418 CC and I didn't see any Slim version. Isn't Slim issued any longer for WinXP?

It should work on XP:

Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, but not RT tablet editions.

Try to use different web browser.

It should work on XP:

Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, but not RT tablet editions.

Try to use different web browser.

What do you mean by "try to use different web browser?" I've always opened CC and then clicked on bottom right of page where it says "check for updates." I was then taken to a web page where I could download the latest Slim version, if there was one available.

When I try it with my WinXP I go to the web page, it only lists Installer and Portable, but no Slim for version 418..

I meant that if you use older IE version for example it might not show slim version, but I'm not 100% sure though because I don't have XP.

You can always try this direct slim version download link:

As always slim is released a week or so after the normal build, we have no control over the release schedule on the forums regardless of how many times people ask about it.

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