Tried the function in Nero "create a bootable disc" - just didn't do the job; had to insert NTLDR and NTDetect and thought it would insert the code for boot.ini but to no avail and a CD only worth the rubbish bin.
Whats the easiest, least complicated way to create a bootable for WinXP? Further is there a method to make it more generic? for instance the one bootable for XP and all its versions eg Home, Professional etc?
Another thing that crossed my mind was whether the same one Bootable disc could be deployed for different systems configurations in terms of disk partitionsby by (perhaps) creating folders with suitably coded boot.ini? and whether the system would read through all the folders and execute the best match?? - just a thought..
Used to be really simple with Dos just the three files;,IO.sys, & ?? ..... cant really remember what those were; funny but its been a while doesn't seem like its as simple with windows is it?
(Would really appreciate any guidance; trying to fix a pc which keeps re-starting in any and every mode even tried the advanced modes under F8 .... checked the hard-disk it goes allright ! )
Thought having a winxp bootable would be great !
PS: most sites make a mention of floppy disks well don't even have a floppy drive to begin with no more! need info as regards files etc that I should have on the intended winxp bootable